Why You Should Go Nuts for Nuts
If nuts aren't in your regular snack rotation, you're missing out on major disease-fighting nutrients that may protect your heart, lower your cholesterol, and more.

Different nuts have different health benefits, so it's important to eat a good variety. Just keep portions in mind as nuts are a calorie-dense food.
There are several reasons you’ll find nuts on nearly every smart-snacking list. First of all, they’re easy to pack if you’re on the go, or to keep on hand in an office drawer or pantry. Plus, in addition to protein and other nutrients, all nuts contain cholesterol-lowering fiber, which makes you feel full longer and helps you eat less, according to Mayo Clinic.
“A small handful can pack your diet with filling protein, fiber, unsaturated fats, and important vitamins and minerals,” says Joy Bauer, RDN, the author of several books and a nutrition and health expert for the Today show.
Nuts have been linked to lots of big health benefits. Along with “good” fats that may lower your LDL or "bad" cholesterol and triglyceride levels, most nuts also contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which may help prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries, notes Mayo Clinic.
In one past review, researchers found that people who reported eating the most nuts reduced their risk of coronary heart disease by approximately 35 percent compared with individuals who ate fewer nuts.
Other research, on 15,467 older women from the Nurses’ Health Study, found that higher consumption of nuts during the six years of the study was linked to better overall cognition for the women. Another analysis of nearly 120,000 individuals, partially funded by the International Tree Nut Council Nutrition Research and Education Foundation, found that people who reported eating nuts more frequently lived longer than those who ate nuts less often.
Just remember to mind your portions, as nuts are still a calorie-dense food, per Mayo Clinic. A serving of nuts is about 1 ounce (oz) or a small handful, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
So, are all nuts created equal? While all nuts contain fiber and protein, each variety also has its own unique health brags. That means the bigger variety you include in your diet, the better — as long as whatever you choose isn't coated in chocolate, sugar, or salt (which can cancel out some of the health perks), notes Mayo Clinic.
Here’s what you should know about all the ways each type of nut can help your health.
Walnuts Are Full of Antioxidants and Fight Inflammation

According to an article published in February 2020 in the journal Nutrients, research suggests that eating a daily serving of walnuts can improve cognitive function and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and type 2 diabetes, which are risk factors for the development of dementia. The article also notes that walnuts have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the body.
A previous study that compared nine types of raw and roasted nuts and two types of peanut butter also found that walnuts contained the most superior antioxidant content.
“Plus, walnuts are also the richest in omega-3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation,” says Bauer.
One serving, per the USDA (1 oz or about 14 walnut halves): 185 calories, 19 grams (g) fat, 4g protein, 2g fiber, 4g carbohydrates
Almonds May Help You Lose Weight

Almonds boast one of the highest fiber counts of all nuts — with nearly 4 g per 1 oz serving, according to the USDA. Adequate fiber intake also lowers your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer, notes Mayo Clinic.
Fiber also makes you feel full, which can help you lose weight. According to a study published in January 2015 in the Journal of the American Heart Association, consuming 1.5 oz of almonds as a snack helped participants lose more visceral fat compared with a control group that ate muffins that contained the same number of calories.
Other research suggests almonds may also have important prebiotic properties that play a role in keeping a balance of good bacteria in the gut.
One serving, per the USDA (1 oz or about 23 nuts): 164 calories, 14g fat, 6g protein, 4g fiber, 6g carbohydrates
Cashews May Help Lower ‘Bad’ Cholesterol

Cashews contain healthy fats, fiber, and protein, and they’re also a good source of iron. They also contain zinc, notes the National Institutes of Health. “Iron helps deliver oxygen to all of your cells and prevents anemia — and zinc is critical to immune health and healthy vision,” says Bauer.
A randomized, controlled trial published in The FASEB Journal in October 2018 suggested that cashews, compared with high-carbohydrate snack foods, may even help lower LDL cholesterol in individuals with mildly high levels.
Cashews are also a good source of magnesium. Evidence suggests getting enough magnesium can help bolster cognitive functioning in older adults, according to a study published in May 2020 in the European Journal of Nutrition.
One serving, per the USDA (1 oz): 157 calories, 12g fat, 5g protein, 1g fiber, 9g carbohydrates
Pecans May Help Prevent Heart Disease and Diabetes

Pecans aren’t just for making tasty pies, they can also help improve your heart health. “Pecans are among the most antioxidant-rich nuts,” says Bauer. “They may help prevent plaque formation in your arteries.”
Indeed, a study published in the March 2018 issue of Nutrients on healthy middle-aged overweight or obese adults found that, compared with a control diet, consuming about 1.5 oz of pecans per day for four weeks led to improved insulin sensitivity, thus possibly curtailing diabetes risk. One possible reason? The polyphenols in pecans pack anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that benefit metabolic function.
One serving, per the USDA (1 oz or about 19 halves): 196 calories, 20g fat, 3g protein, 3g fiber, 4g carbohydrates
Brazil Nuts Help Fight Free Radicals

Just one Brazil nut packs more than 100 percent of the recommended daily allowance for the mineral selenium, notes the National Institutes of Health. Your body uses selenium for reproductive processes, thyroid gland function, DNA production, and to help prevent damage caused by free radicals and infection.
But it's important to note that you should limit how many Brazil nuts you eat and how often. Technically one serving delivers more than the tolerable upper limit of selenium for any given day — the amount that shouldn't be exceeded on a regular basis. Make these nuts an every-once-in-a-while versus everyday nut (unless you're just eating one a day).
One serving, per the USDA (1 oz or about 6 nuts): 187 calories, 19g fat, 4g protein, 2g fiber, 3g carbohydrates
Macadamia Nuts Are Full of Healthy Fats

Ounce for ounce, macadamia nuts are among most calorie-dense nuts, but they contain one of the highest counts of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat per serving.
“This ‘good fat’ helps lower LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol and blood pressure,” Bauer says. Earlier research in The Journal of Nutrition found that adding 1.5 oz of macadamia nuts to a diet reduced total cholesterol by nearly 10 percent and LDL cholesterol by nearly 9 percent in a group of individuals with mildly high cholesterol in as little as five weeks. (The study was funded partly by the Hershey Company, which owns the Mauna Loa Macadamia company.)
One serving, per the USDA (1 oz or 10 to 12 nuts): 204 calories, 22g fat, 2g protein, 2g fiber, 4g carbohydrates
Pistachios Help You Snack Less

Pistachios have just 4 calories each, and if you buy them in the shell, they’re especially diet-friendly, Bauer says. “The shells automatically slow down your pace so the snack lasts longer and you eat less overall.”
Plus they boast a roster of nutrients, including folate, which your body needs to make new cells and for heart health, as well as several other B vitamins, according to a study published in July 2015 in the British Journal of Nutrition. The nuts also contain vitamin K, which plays a role in bone health and has been linked to possible lower risk of several chronic diseases, including certain types of cancer and heart disease.
Pistachios are also a good source of manganese and an excellent source of copper.
One serving, per the USDA (1 oz or about 49 nuts): 159 calories, 13g fat, 6g protein, 3g fiber, 8g carbohydrates
Hazelnuts Help Protect Against Chronic Disease

An all-around healthy nut, hazelnuts are notable for their high levels of monounsaturated fats, which can improve cardiovascular health and help to manage type 2 diabetes, according to Bauer.
They’re also rich in several antioxidants that can help protect against chronic diseases, including certain types of cancer, heart disease, and inflammatory diseases, according to past research in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
A review and meta-analysis published in December 2016 in Nutrients found that including at least 1 oz of hazelnuts in your diet was associated with lower LDL and total cholesterol levels, which may also help protect your heart.
One serving, per the USDA (1 oz or about 21 nuts): 178 calories, 17g fat, 4g protein, 3g fiber, 5g carbohydrates