The Link Between UTIs and Sex: Causes and How to Prevent Them
One common way women get urinary tract infections is by having sex. But that doesn't mean you have to banish sex from your life to prevent painful infections.

Pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) aren’t the only consequences of having sex. For some women, a urinary tract infection (UTI) can also be a result.
Blame it on anatomy, which makes a UTI (also called a bladder infection) more likely for women than for men, says Sujata Yavagal, MD, a urogynecologist at Baptist Health South Florida in Miami.
Still, it isn’t inevitable that having sex will cause a UTI. Taking proper precautions can minimize your odds.
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What May Cause a UTI After Sex?
The urethra is the tube through which urine exits the body from the bladder. In women, this tube is short, making it quicker and easier for bacteria to enter the opening and infiltrate the bladder.
The bacteria that cause a UTI live in the area around the anus, Dr. Yavagal says. Sex can shift bacteria toward the front. From there, it’s just a short hop up the urethra into the bladder, where it can multiply and cause a UTI.
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What Are the Symptoms of a UTI?
Not surprisingly, some of the symptoms of a UTI involve the frequency and quality of pee. Women suffering from a UTI, whether they get the infection from sex or other ways, can have a strong urge to urinate, have cloudy or red or pink urine, and may experience pain or burning during urination.
You might also get fever, shaking, or chills, and even pain in your upper back, your side, or the pelvic region.
Why Are Some People Prone to Getting a UTI Every Time They Have Sex?
You probably don’t get a UTI every time you have sex. But it can feel that way if you come down with UTIs often.
Sex definitely can trigger the condition. In fact, urinary tract infections have been nicknamed "honeymoon cystitis" — cystitis is another name for an infection of the bladder — because frequent intercourse can lead to the development of a UTI.
Other reasons you might get recurrent UTIs are: having a new partner, having a family history of them, living with diabetes or pelvic organ prolapse, transitioning to menopause (the increased dryness that results when estrogen levels drop can increase your odds), or having difficulty fully emptying your bladder, Yavagal says.
Men get UTIs, but much less frequently than women.
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How to Prevent UTIs When You’re Sexually Active
You don't have to stop having sex to prevent UTIs. Here are some steps you can take to minimize bacteria buildup and reduce your risk of getting UTIs from sex.
- Urinate before sex and promptly after. This will flush your system and keep bacteria that has entered your urinary tract from gaining a foothold.
- Clean your genital and anal areas (wiping front to back only) before and after sex.
- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, then have an extra glass after intercourse. This will help rid your urinary tract of unwanted bacteria.
- Use a vaginal lubricant. Friction during sex can irritate the urethra.
- Consider a new form of birth control. If you’re prone to UTIs, you may want to avoid using a diaphragm or spermicide as your form of pregnancy prevention. These can introduce bacteria into the area and can kill off healthy bacteria that keep the problem germs in check.
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Other Ways to Minimize Your Chances of Getting a UTI
Yavagal also recommends these steps to her patients who are prone to the condition.
- Don’t use douches, sprays, or powders in the genital area. “There are protective bacteria in the vagina that we don’t want to wash away,” she says.
- Clean your anus well after having a bowel movement. Use a separate sheet of toilet paper (or even a wet wipe) to clean the front and the back.
- Consider drugstore supplements. Yavagal especially likes concentrated cranberry pills, which are thought to create an acidic environment that minimizes the colonization of the wrong bacteria; probiotics; and d-mannose, which tiny pilot studies have linked to improvements in UTIs.
- Talk to your doctor about whether you need a prescription for antibiotics after you have sex.
How Are UTIs Treated?
Your doctor will typically prescribe an oral antibiotic to rid you of the UTI.
Yavagal says if you come down with a UTI frequently, ask your doctor to do a culture one time to be sure this is actually what you have. A chronic bladder condition known as interstitial cystitis (IC) is sometimes mistaken for a UTI, she says. You should be especially suspicious if the antibiotics you have taken for your UTIs in the past have not sufficiently helped.
Can You Have Sex if You Have a UTI?
In general, it is recommended that you avoid having intercourse when you have an active urinary tract infection. When you get an antibiotic prescription, ask your doctor when the right time to resume sexual activity would be. Of course, you can still kiss and have other intimate and emotional connections.
Once you have completed a course of antibiotics and the UTI has cleared away, you should be able to resume sexual activity. But be sure to take the careful steps necessary to prevent the sex from putting you on the road to yet another one.