On the surface, atopic dermatitis may seem like ‘just a skin problem.’ But for the approximately 26 million people in the United States who live with this common type of eczema, what others can’t see is often the most challenging. Everyone with atopic dermatitis has a story. In this series, a mom, an actor, a social influencer, and a beauty blogger share theirs.
For years, Brittney Roche did everything she could to help control her son’s head-to-toe itchy, cracked, oozing skin to no avail. After enrolling him in a clinical trial, he’s now
As an actor, he’s missed rehearsals. As a waiter, he’s called out of work. As a friend, he’s cancelled plans. Here’s what it’s been like for Jesse Dalton to have atopic dermatitis
An Influencer’s Insecurities About Eczema Become Her Strength
When Esther Hong first took to TikTok and Instagram as a beauty and lifestyle influencer, she didn’t expect to share her biggest insecurity: atopic dermatitis. But embracing her sk
‘Skincare Is My Self-Care’: How a Beauty Blogger Manages Eczema
Dana Sellers has always loved beauty products. But because she has eczema-prone skin, she’s learned to be very careful about which products she uses and when. Here, the Beauty in C
"It was very important for me to speak up as a Black woman and talk about eczema. … You don't realize how many people are dealing with an issue until you actually vocalize it to a broader community."
"I realize that it’s not the end of the world to have an outbreak. But it’s still draining, it costs money, it’s emotionally taxing … it’s still something that holds me back.”