Checking In on Your Atopic Dermatitis

Take these assessments to learn whether your physical — and emotional — symptoms of eczema are truly under control, or whether you should consider a change in treatment.


Do You Need to Change How You Manage Atopic Dermatitis?

Having atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema, can be an isolating experience. People without eczema may not understand just how itchy your skin can become — or why slathering on moisturizer doesn’t instantly heal the rash. (If only it were that easy.)

The truth is, managing atopic dermatitis can sometimes seem like a full-time job. Eczema doesn’t just cause physical symptoms like pain and redness, but also emotional ones, including low self-esteem and poor body image.

The sooner — and more effectively — you can get eczema under control, the better off you’ll be. To identify whether you need a change of treatment, we’ve assembled these six assessments, which examine how severe your symptoms are; whether your treatment plan is working for you; whether you're doing everything you can to manage your condition; and how atopic dermatitis is affecting your quality of lifebody image, and sleep.

You don’t have to settle for a lifetime of uncontrolled eczema. Check in with yourself about how you’re really feeling, then schedule a checkup with your doctor to analyze the results.