Your Everyday Guide to Living Well With Crohn’s Disease

It can be a shock when you receive a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease, a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect many areas of your digestive tract, sometimes leading to painful, debilitating, and even life-threatening complications. If you’re just learning about Crohn’s disease, you may want to read our main guide to the condition to learn the basics about symptoms, diagnosis, complications, and treatments.
But if you or someone you know has lived with Crohn’s for some time already, you’ll probably want more detailed information on a specific problem or other aspect of living with the disease. That’s where this guide comes in — providing an overview of our Crohn’s coverage in a number of areas, some of which may apply to your individual situation.
Here, you’ll find links to articles about different Crohn’s disease treatment approaches, lifestyle measures that may help you deal with symptoms, ways to cope with the stress that comes from living with a serious chronic condition, and much more.
Managing Daily Life and Complications of Crohn’s
Crohn’s can take a toll on many activities in your daily life, from your enjoyment of meals to exercise, travel, and leisure activities — especially at times when your disease is more active. You may be interested in strategies that can help minimize your symptoms, including dietary changes and complementary or alternative treatments.
You may also benefit from adaptive strategies that make it easier to cope with the symptoms you can’t prevent. Here’s how to deal with many of the everyday problems that come with Crohn’s.
Managing Common Symptoms and Disruption From Crohn’s
Crohn’s disease can be disruptive in a number of ways, from directly causing pain and discomfort through symptoms like cramping, diarrhea, and constipation to making you change your routine to avoid embarrassment and leaving you just plain worn out.
But many people can at least partly prevent their Crohn’s symptoms by keeping the disease well controlled with medications and by avoiding dietary triggers. Even if you can’t prevent certain symptoms, you can plan ahead so that when they happen, you’re not caught in a messy or socially awkward situation.
Of course, you can prevent symptoms only if you know what causes them, so the first step toward better symptom management is often tracking them, along with your diet, physical activity, and potential sources of stress.
For more information on Crohn’s symptom management, follow these links.
How to Manage Fatigue When Living With Crohn’s Disease
How to Find Relief During a Crohn’s Flare
Diarrhea Dos and Don’ts: 10 Tips for Crohn’s
7 Crohn’s Management Tips for Seniors
12 Ways to Ride Out a Crohn’s Flare
Crohn's Disease: 6 Ways to Soothe a Sore Behind
6 Reasons Crohn’s Disease Is Sapping Your Energy, and How to Stop It
Common Questions From Patients With IBD
Diet for Crohn’s Disease
There are a few ways you might need to adjust your diet when you have Crohn’s. One is to avoid foods that may aggravate your symptoms, especially during disease flares. Another is to incorporate certain foods to get enough of the nutrients you may be lacking, since Crohn’s can interfere with digestion and nutrient absorption.
You may also need to focus on staying hydrated, especially if you experience frequent diarrhea as a symptom. Good hydration means not just drinking enough water but getting enough electrolytes, too. Your body needs these minerals to keep tissues properly hydrated, among other functions.
Some people with Crohn’s may need to focus on getting enough total calories, since your body’s energy needs may be greater from the stress of the disease, and your appetite may be smaller when you have symptoms like nausea or abdominal cramps. But other people with Crohn’s may benefit from not eating too much at once, since a full stomach can aggravate symptoms in some people.
You may also try following a special diet if you’re having trouble with Crohn’s symptoms. Diets that some people find beneficial include those restricting or excluding gluten, certain forms of carbohydrates, and animal protein.
Triggers for Crohn’s symptoms include these foods and ingredients:
- Whole-wheat bread, crackers, and pasta
- Beans, chickpeas, and lentils
- Nuts and seeds
- Popcorn
- Raw fruits and vegetables
- Cooked fruit and vegetable skins
- Greasy or fried foods
- Spicy foods
- Dairy products
- Beverages containing alcohol, caffeine, or carbonation
Foods and ingredients that may be helpful or easy to digest during a Crohn’s flare include these choices:
- White rice and other refined grains
- Lean meat, poultry, and fish
- Low-fiber fruits like bananas, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon
- Soft, bland foods (may be cooked longer or pureed)
For more information on diet and Crohn’s:
Find Out How Food Can Impact Your Crohn’s Disease
Why It’s Important to Stay Hydrated if You Have Crohn’s
Should You Try a Special Diet for Crohn’s Disease?
10 Gut-Soothing Foods for People With Crohn’s Disease
The Best Dairy Choices When You’re Living With Crohn’s Disease
How to Try Liquid Nutrition for Crohn’s
7 Breakfast Recipes for People with Crohn’s Disease
7 Cooking Tips From Home Chefs With Crohn’s Disease
5 Vitamins and Minerals You Need to Make Sure You’re Getting Enough of if You Have Crohn’s Disease
8 Superfoods for Crohn's Disease
Exercising With Crohn’s Disease
Getting enough physical activity is good for pretty much everyone, and people with Crohn’s disease are no exception. In fact, there’s some evidence that the right kinds of exercise may reduce the severity of Crohn’s symptoms in many people.
Other benefits of exercise with Crohn’s may include faster recovery from surgery, better protection against and recovery from fatigue, and prevention of long-term bone loss. And it may reduce stress and boost your mood, which may help explain why so many Crohn’s symptoms seem to be helped by exercise.
A good starting point for many people with Crohn’s is low-impact aerobic exercise (such as walking, cycling, and swimming) or stretching and strengthening exercises (like yoga and Pilates). You may also benefit from more intensive resistance or strength training, as long as it doesn’t put undue stress on your bones or joints.
Feel free to modify your exercises according to what feels right for you, taking your symptoms into account. And make sure to stay well hydrated whenever you exercise, especially outside in hot weather.
For more information on Crohn’s and exercise:
Want to Try Yoga to Relieve IBD Symptoms? MD-Backed Online Classes Are Available Now
7 Ways to Work Out if You Have Crohn's Disease
Move More, Stress Less When You Have Crohn’s
The Benefits of Swimming if You Have Crohn’s
Can Yoga Help Relieve Crohn's Symptoms?
Managing Your Prescriptions for Crohn’s
Medications for Crohn’s can be very effective for keeping symptoms at bay, once you’ve found the right treatment. And while managing prescriptions for Crohn’s isn’t usually terribly complex, there are a number of reasons why you may find it easy to get off track in taking your drugs as they’re prescribed.
If you’re in remission, you may not feel the immediate need to take your drug treatments for Crohn’s and may skip doses. But doing this can put you at risk for a flare of your disease, which is exactly what your treatment is supposed to prevent.
On the other hand, if your Crohn’s isn’t well controlled, you may not have confidence in your doctor’s management plan or you may wonder if a medication is doing you any good. While it may be true that a particular drug isn’t working for you, it’s important to stick with the treatment until you can reevaluate it with your doctor. In the meantime, keep good track of the symptoms you experience.
Find more information on medication management for Crohn’s here:
Why Stopping Medication for Crohn’s Disease Is Risky
Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Crohn’s
A number of alternative therapies have been touted as helping some people with Crohn’s disease. Some, like relaxation techniques, are almost certainly safe for everyone. But others, like herbal supplements, may carry significant health risks, and you should talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplement for your Crohn’s or any other condition.
Some alternative remedies for Crohn’s have better evidence to support them than others. By talking with your doctor about specific therapies you’re considering and their risks and benefits, you can get a better sense of whether they might be right for you.
Alternative remedies that may help some people with Crohn’s include:
- Relaxation training
- Mindfulness techniques
- Psychotherapy or hypnosis
- Acupuncture
- Herbal supplements
- Probiotic supplements
- Vitamin and mineral supplements
- Omega-3 fatty acid (fish oil) supplements
- Aloe vera (gel or juice)
- Medicinal marijuana
For more information on alternative therapies for Crohn’s:
10 Complementary Therapies for Crohn's Disease
5 Spices You Should Be Adding Right Now to Your IBD Diet
Want to Try Yoga to Relieve IBD Symptoms? MD-Backed Online Classes Are Available Now
Can Medical Marijuana Improve Crohn’s Disease Symptoms?
Crohn’s Life Hack: Journaling to Relieve Stress
How Working With a Therapist Can Alleviate Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms
Preventing and Managing Complications of Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease can lead to complications in your digestive tract, as well as in various other places in your body. Some complications may be due to the wide-reaching effects of inflammation, while others are probably related to nutrient deficiencies caused by poor digestion or poor nutrient absorption.
Some complications of Crohn’s are acute, severe conditions affecting your digestive tract that require prompt or even emergency treatment:
- Bowel obstruction (blockage)
- Severe bleeding (with blood in your stool)
- Severe dehydration
- Rupture or perforation of your colon (developing a hole)
- Toxic megacolon (severely inflamed, enlarged colon)
Other severe conditions can develop in your digestive tract:
- Bowel strictures (narrowing)
- Anal fissure (crack or tear)
- Fistula (abnormal connection between two areas)
- Abscess (pocket of pus caused by infection)
- Intestinal infection
- Colon cancer
Potential Crohn’s complications outside the digestive tract include these issues:
- Osteoporosis (bone loss) and osteopenia (reduced bone density)
- Arthritis (joint inflammation) and other joint problems
- Liver problems
- Kidney stones
- Eye disorders
- Skin disorders
- Iron deficiency and anemia (insufficient red blood cells)
- Heart and blood vessel disorders
If you develop or are concerned about symptoms or complications outside your digestive tract, be sure to bring them up with your primary care doctor or gastroenterologist.
For more information on Crohn’s complications:
Fistulas: What You Need to Know About a Common Side Effect of Crohn’s
How to Manage Fatigue When Living With Crohn’s Disease
12 Unexpected Signs That Your Crohn’s Is Getting Worse
When Crohn’s Disease Causes Joint Pain
Can Crohn’s Disease Cause Eye Problems?
Crohn’s Disease and Heart Health: What's the Connection?
What’s the Link Between Crohn’s and Liver Disease?
Crohn’s and Iron Deficiency Anemia: What’s the Link?
The Link Between Crohn’s Disease and Shingles
Is Creeping Fat Making Your Crohn’s Symptoms Worse?
Does IBD Put You at Greater Risk of Developing Skin Cancer?
IBD Is Associated With Increased Risk of Dementia, Study Finds
Traveling With Crohn’s Disease
People with Crohn’s may face a number of extra challenges when they travel, from worrying about food options to making sure a restroom is nearby. But with some extra preparations, it’s usually possible to travel successfully.
Extra travel considerations include making sure you pack all your medications along with copies of your prescriptions and having a plan to get your medications locally if you somehow lose them. It can’t hurt to have your doctor’s contact information in case it’s necessary to get in touch or to look into local doctors in case you need urgent medical attention.
It can also help to pack plenty of snacks and carry lots of water with you, to make sure you stay well hydrated even if you’re not close to a source of water. Telling airlines, hotels, personal hosts, and others about any special needs, such as being situated near a bathroom, can provide benefits and peace of mind.
Even if you have a busy itinerary on your trips, it may be helpful to stick to your at-home routine as much as possible, with scheduled breaks for meals, medications, physical activity, and even the bathroom. But keep in mind that if you develop certain symptoms away from home, you may need to abandon your itinerary and take some time to rest and recover.
For more information on traveling with Crohn’s:
6 Ways to Make Traveling Easier When You Have Crohn’s Disease
What to Pack in Your Crohn’s Disease Emergency Kit
7 Tips for Taking Plane Trips With Crohn’s Disease
Finding Doctors for Crohn’s Disease
You may end up seeing a few healthcare providers when you have Crohn’s disease, on top of your primary care provider:
- Gastroenterologist
- Gastroenterology nurse
- Dietitian
- Colorectal surgeon (colon and rectal surgeon)
For more information on seeing different providers for Crohn’s:
What to Know About Telemedicine if You Have Crohn’s
How to Find the Best Crohn’s Surgeon
Everything You Need to Know About Crohn’s Disease Surgery
The Visit IBD: An Interactive Appointment Experience
How Telehealth Is Changing Care for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
The Consumer’s Guide to Telehealth for IBD
What IBD Doctors Want You to Know About Telemedicine Visits
You’ll probably see a gastroenterologist as your main provider for all aspects related to your Crohn’s disease. Gastroenterologists are trained to diagnose and treat conditions affecting your gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including prescribing or delivering drugs and performing certain procedures, like colonoscopies.
While any gastroenterologist can help treat and manage your Crohn’s, you may want to consider seeing an inflammatory bowel disease specialist if your Crohn’s is especially severe or complicated, or if you just want a second opinion.
Gastroenterology Nurse
If your doctor is part of a larger gastroenterology practice, there may be other healthcare professionals on the team who specialize in different aspects of GI care. Gastroenterology nurses have special training in GI conditions and can discuss issues like symptoms and treatments, as well as assist gastroenterologists in office procedures and treatments.
If you’re trying to figure out what foods to include or avoid to minimize your Crohn’s symptoms, you may want to see a dietitian who specializes in IBD. A dietitian can also help you get enough of certain nutrients in your diet, which may be a consideration if you have problems digesting food or have documented nutrient deficiencies.
Colorectal Surgeon
If you need evaluation for surgery related to Crohn’s complications, your gastroenterologist may refer you to a colorectal surgeon, a specialist in procedures like opening intestinal strictures (blockages) or removing areas of your intestines. If your Crohn’s is especially complicated or if providers in your area are limited, you may see a colorectal surgeon as your main provider.
Your Mental Health and Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s can be stressful and can leave you sad and frustrated at times. But if you feel anxious or depressed for a couple of weeks or longer, it’s important to talk about these symptoms with your doctor and possibly get referred to a mental health professional.
People with Crohn’s experience depression at a higher rate than the general population, and anxiety is also a common problem, according to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. These conditions need to be addressed seriously, just as you would seek treatment for other Crohn’s symptoms and complications.
For more information on Crohn’s and mental health, see:
IBD Is Associated With Increased Risk of Dementia, Study Finds
Has IBD Made You Food-Phobic? You May Have a Mental Health Disorder Called ARFID
How to Help Your Teen Cope With the Mental Health Challenges of IBD
How Working With a Therapist Can Alleviate Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms
Mental Health Disorders High Among Veterans With IBD, Study Finds
Managing Depression and Crohn’s
If you have signs of depression that persist longer than two weeks, the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation recommends that you visit a healthcare professional to talk about them. These signs may include the following:
- A persistent sad or empty feeling
- A sense of hopelessness or worthlessness
- Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed
- Fatigue
- Difficulty concentrating or remembering
- Insomnia or oversleeping
- Loss of appetite or overeating
- Irritability or restlessness
Effectively fighting depression may require seeing a therapist or receiving medical treatment, but you can also take steps on your own:
- Set realistic goals, accounting for the limitations your Crohn’s creates.
- Break large tasks into smaller ones.
- Spend quality time with friends or family.
- Participate in any activities that you enjoy.
- Ask for help from friends and family when you need it.
Managing Anxiety and Crohn’s
Feelings of worry or panic are normal to experience on occasion, but if they interfere with your daily functioning for longer than two weeks, you should seek help from a healthcare provider, according to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation.
You may also be able to relieve anxiety on your own through these activities:
- Light aerobic exercise
- Relaxation or breathing exercises
- Meditation or guided imagery
- Practicing yoga or tai chi
- Spending quality time with friends or family
- Participating in any activities that you enjoy
Managing Stress and Crohn’s
Some amount of stress is normal and may even be helpful. But when it’s tied to negative emotions or is intense and prolonged, it can take a toll on your well-being, the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation notes.
You may be able to reduce stress related to your Crohn’s with the following tactics:
- Be aware of where the nearest bathroom is at all times.
- Carry extra toilet paper, wipes, or underwear.
- Accept or let go of your situation.
- Lean on friends or family for help when you need it.
For more information on Crohn’s and stress:
Crohn’s Life Hack: Journaling to Relieve Stress
Research-Backed Ways to Relieve Stress When You Have Crohn’s
How Crohn’s Can Affect Your Relationships
For some people, having Crohn’s creates strains in relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. You may feel like those around you don’t understand what you’re going through, or that they have treated you differently since the onset of your symptoms or your diagnosis.
It’s also possible, though, for friends and family to be a positive force in your life as a source of support when you have Crohn’s. This may depend on both their willingness and how you discuss your needs and desires with them. And there may be significant adjustments in your relationships, especially if you’re navigating sensitive topics like sexual problems.
Dating With Crohn’s Disease
Meeting potential romantic partners can be trickier when you have Crohn’s. You’ll have to decide when and how to tell them about your condition, and possibly risk having to tell them earlier than you’d like if you experience disruptive symptoms. And some people, it turns out, simply aren’t interested in dating someone with a condition like Crohn’s.
But you can improve your chances of successful dating by being clear about your limitations when it comes to foods and potential activities. And when it comes to intimacy, you may need to take a break or get creative if your symptoms are acting up.
For more information on dating with Crohn’s:
How Crohn’s Disease Impacted My Relationships
Family Planning With Crohn’s Disease
Having Crohn’s means that planning for a pregnancy may be more difficult than it is for other people. Before you become pregnant, it’s important for you to be in the best possible physical shape, which means being and staying in remission. This means you might want to continue taking certain medications for Crohn’s throughout your pregnancy.
You should talk with your doctor ahead of time about a treatment strategy for your pregnancy, which may mean switching to a different drug or drugs before you become pregnant. And even if you take every precaution, it’s possible that you’ll experience a pregnancy-related flare or complications.
For more information on Crohn’s and pregnancy:
Maybe Baby? Deciding if You Should Have a Child if You Have Crohn's
7 Myths and Facts About Crohn's and Pregnancy
I’m Pregnant and Have an IBD — Should I Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?
Sex Life With Crohn’s Disease
Having Crohn’s can complicate your sex life in a number of ways, from making you feel less confident to causing physical problems like erectile dysfunction or sexual pain and discomfort. Don’t hesitate to discuss any sexual problems with your gastroenterologist or primary care doctor, since there may be helpful treatment strategies available.
Sexual dysfunction in Crohn’s is often related to emotional distress and mental health issues. If you’re feeling depressed or anxious about your Crohn’s or anything else, addressing this problem may lead to improvements in your sex life.
For more information on Crohn’s and sexuality:
How to Talk to Your Doctor About Sex if You Have IBD
6 ‘Down There’ Complications That Can Occur in Women With Crohn’s
Drugs and Medication for Crohn’s Disease
There are several types of drugs that your doctor may prescribe as the main treatment for your Crohn’s. The purpose of Crohn’s treatment is to reduce inflammation in your digestive tract, preventing flares of the disease.
Classes of drugs that may be prescribed for inflammation in Crohn’s include:
- Aminosalicylates (5-ASAs)
- Corticosteroids
- Immunomodulators
- Biologics
Your doctor may prescribe other drugs for specific Crohn’s symptoms and complications, such as antibiotics or drugs to control diarrhea.
Here is some information on drugs for Crohn’s and considerations when deciding on a treatment:
Why Stopping Medication for Crohn’s Disease Is Risky
Can a Liquid Diet Treat Crohn's Disease Better Than Steroids in Children?
11 Medicine Cabinet Essentials for People With Crohn’s
IBD and Obesity Increases Odds of Treatment Failure in Anti-TNF Therapy
Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Biologics for Crohn’s Disease
Money Matters: The Cost of Living With Crohn’s
Living with Crohn’s can be expensive, with possible extra costs for copays on drugs and doctor's appointments, as well as food, plus lost wages and productivity, and more. It can affect your job choice and income, and possibly even sideline you from work altogether.
Some workplaces are more difficult than others to navigate with Crohn’s, but there are strategies that may help you get the accommodations you need. And if you can no longer work and need to apply for disability benefits, it’s important to follow some pointers to make sure your application stands the best chance of being approved.
Medication Prices for Crohn’s
Even if you have comprehensive health insurance, you may end up paying thousands each year in out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs. And while Crohn’s treatments are broadly more effective than ever before, many of them carry large copays under insurance plans — and cost far more without insurance.
It may be possible to spend less on your medications, though, by talking to your doctor about generic options, applying for discount programs, or shopping around for pharmacies, among other strategies.
Here's more information on the cost of Crohn’s treatment and how to save.
The High Cost of Managing Crohn’s Disease
Your Budget-Friendly Guide to Prescription Drug Costs
Managing Your Work Life With Crohn’s
Crohn’s can cause disruptive symptoms while you’re at work, which can make it difficult to do any number of jobs without accommodations. You may need to use a restroom more often than most people, and you may also be worried about the impression your symptoms make on your coworkers, clients, or customers.
There isn’t any magical solution to workplace woes caused by Crohn’s, and the truth is that certain jobs might not be a good fit for you. If you’re looking for a new job, it may help to ask about policies in areas like working from home, paid and unpaid leave, sick days, and bathroom breaks. You’ll also want to get a sense of the workplace culture and whether it will support your physical and emotional needs.
Can You Apply for Disability if You Have Crohn’s?
If you have severe Crohn’s with complications that leave you unable to work, you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. Social Security regulations state that these benefits are reserved for people with inflammatory bowel disease who have qualifying conditions:
- Bowel obstruction
- Anemia
- Low albumin levels
- A painful abdominal mass
- Extreme weight loss
- Daily enteral (by tube) or parenteral (intravenous) nutrition requirements
You can find out what documents you need and apply for benefits online or at your local Social Security office.
For more information on applying for disability benefits with Crohn’s:
Smart Tactics to Follow When Applying for Disability Due to Crohn’s
Patient Stories: Living With Crohn’s
No two people have the same experiences with Crohn’s disease, but reading about what others have gone through can give you both emotional support and practical guidance. Here are some tips that may be helpful:
The Best Crohn’s Advice for 2021
Here are some stories that may be helpful.
Natalie Hayden: Blogging About Living Her Best Life With Crohn’s
Since receiving a Crohn’s diagnosis in 2005 at age 21, Hayden has learned to empower herself and to be open about her life with Crohn’s.
'You Have Crohn’s Disease': Advice for Dealing With a New IBD Diagnosis
Tina Aswani Omprakash: Crohn’s Blogger and IBD Advocate
An active member of the IBD community, Omprakash shares her story to help empower other women and people of color to speak up about their condition.
Weekend Long IBD Retreat Helped Me to Own My Crohn’s
Diverse Stories, Common Sisterhood: Empowering Voices of Minority Women With IBD
Clinical Trials for Crohn’s
If you’re unhappy with your current Crohn’s treatment, you may want to consider participating in a clinical trial. Clinical trials may improve your own condition while you advance the development of therapies that may help other people with Crohn’s.
You’ll need to talk to your doctor about whether a clinical trial is right for you or whether an approved drug is a better fit.
How to Find a Clinical Trial for Crohn’s
Your doctor is likely to be the best resource when it comes to finding out about clinical trials. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of a trial before you decide to sign up.
You can also browse or search for trials on the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation website or at
To apply for a trial, you’ll need to submit a formal application. You’ll then be screened for eligibility and contacted if the trial’s organizers believe you could be a good fit.
What to Consider Before Joining a Clinical Trial for Crohn’s
You and your doctor will need to consider several medical factors when deciding whether you should participate in a clinical trial:
- Likelihood of achieving Crohn’s remission by participating in the trial
- Possible side effects of the treatment being studied
- Timing and length of the trial, and how this fits in with your current treatment plan
It’s also important to consider that many trials have a lengthy application process and that you may not be selected. You’ll need to have a backup plan in case you can’t join.
Latest News and Research on Crohn’s
By keeping tabs on the latest developments in Crohn’s research, you may gain a better understanding of the future of treatment and how it could benefit you. You might also come up with questions to ask your doctor.
Sources of Crohn’s news and updates include:
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation: News & Events
American College of Gastroenterology: IBD Podcasts and Videos
Additional reporting by Jordan M. Davidson.