10 Tasty Snacks for People Living With Crohn’s
Whether your craving is for sweet or salty, crunchy or smooth, these to-go treats are made to maximize taste and minimize Crohn’s symptoms.

Peanut butter cookies are a tasty treat that if you have Crohn's disease.
Sticking to a Crohn’s-healthy eating routine is tricky when you’re on the go. “I’m always looking for snacks that you can take with you,” says Julie Cepo, RD, coauthor of the Mount Sinai Hospital Crohn’s and Colitis Diet Guide and a member of Interprofessional Allied Health at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.
Cepo has worked for more than 17 years with people struggling to manage their Crohn's disease. She knows that while finding convenient snacks is a challenge, the fear of trying new foods that might cause pain makes the search even more complicated. Adding to the complexity is the fact that each individual living with Crohn's has particular food tolerances and preferences.
Here are 10 Crohn’s snacks that travel well and work for most people. Portion sizes really depend on your needs — many people with Crohn’s need to take in more calories, so let your weight be your guide.

One great example of a Crohn's-friendly travel snack that's easy to tailor to your calorie needs is yogurt. For example, if you need to gain weight, go with whole-fat yogurt, says Cepo. On the other hand, if you’re taking steroids or have had a small bowel resection and want to decrease fat, you should opt for no- or low-fat kinds. Fat content aside, yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, essential for managing Crohn's disease — unless you're lactose intolerant and can't handle it. If you go with yogurt, make sure the label states that it's low in sugar and contains active bacterial cultures, which can aid in digestion.
Meal Replacement Drinks

Even when your Crohn’s symptoms are under control with medication, meal-replacement drinks such as Ensure, or even grocery store brands, are good to have on hand as snacks. When you’re not feeling well, they can provide the calories and protein you need, says Cepo. Try to avoid brands that are very high in sugar, however — added sugar can increase diarrhea. Again, if you're lactose intolerant, which is common in people with Crohn's, look for a lactose-free brand, like Boost.
You can also create your own nutrition drinks simply by whipping up a smoothie and taking it with you in a thermos. This allows for recipes with almond, soy, hemp, or coconut milks and protein powders. Opt for mango and banana during a Crohn’s flare, and skip berries with seeds, which might irritate your digestive tract. Fluids also keep you hydrated.

A nutritious and higher-calorie Crohn’s snack option, this chickpea spread can be important if you’re having a hard time maintaining a healthy weight. A small container with 2 to 3 tablespoons of hummus makes a tasty snack for easy traveling. Your choice of cracker should fit your management of Crohn’s disease. No symptoms? Enjoy your favorite crunch. Slugging through a flare? Try melba toast or plain pretzels for dipping on the go.

This easy fruit is an almost perfect Crohn's travel snack no matter where you are on the symptom spectrum. Just tuck one or two in your bag and go. You can eat bananas at almost any stage of ripeness, except very green, says Cepo. She suggests combining them with yogurt or nut butter for some tasty protein, additional calories, and a more satisfying, filling snack.
Nutrition Bars

Keep a few nutrition bars in your purse, desk drawer, or glove compartment and you will always have a good Crohn’s snack at the ready. There’s no shortage of bars on the market, but be choosy. Cepo says that crispy rice or oats, and even chocolate chips or little marshmallows are allowed, but you should stay away from those with nuts and seeds. Many of her Crohn’s patients recommend brands like the Simply Bar, made for people with gastrointestinal conditions.
Cheese Sticks

Cheese is a good source of protein and calories, two things you may be short on with Crohn’s disease. As a “lower lactose containing food,” Cepo says, cheese may be easier to digest if you have some lactose intolerance. Individually wrapped cheese sticks are perfect for travel, but she suggests combining cheese with crackers or flatbread for a more complete snack.
Nut Butter

With the wide variety of nut butters available today, you could have fun sampling the choices to find the one you like best. “Make sure the nut butter is blended to a smooth consistency,” adds Cepo. As an alternative to sandwiches, you could pack a small container of your favorite nut butter and take along breadsticks, pita, or naan bread.
Fruit Cups

Individual servings of packaged fruit travel well and will keep at your desk or in your tote. Look for those packaged in their own juice, not in sugary syrup. Added sugar can increase diarrhea in a “dose-response” fashion — the more sugar you eat, the more likely it is that it can contribute to diarrhea. However, Cepo points out, if you’re trying to gain weight as part of your Crohn’s management plan, you may occasionally want to opt for syrup varieties that add calories.
Hard-Boiled Eggs

Make your own hard-boiled eggs for your travels or pick them up in the ready-to-eat section of grocery and corner stores. “Eggs are high-quality protein,” says Cepo. If you need to increase protein because of Crohn’s or medication effects, pair a hard-boiled egg with your usual muffin or bagel.

“A cookie can still be a reasonable Crohn’s snack,” says Cepo. Opt for cookies made with healthier fats, like canola, grapeseed, or avocado oils. Top choices are oatmeal, peanut butter cookies, and even Rice Krispies bars. You can increase the health profile of this occasional Crohn’s snack choice by looking for high-quality ingredients and exercising portion control when you indulge. Limit yourself to one or two reasonably sized cookies.
Additional reporting by Max Onderdonk.