10 Best and Worst Foods for People Trying to Quit Cigarettes
Trying to kick the habit? Certain foods, beverages, and snacks can help get you there ... and others can make your cravings even worse.

If giving up cigarettes seems difficult, take heart in this fact: By kicking your smoking habit, you’ll regain a sense of taste and smell that will make your appreciation of food better than ever.
“Every smoker will tell you that smoking dulls their capacity to taste and smell,” says Michael Fiore, MD, MPH, the director of the center for tobacco research and intervention at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison.
One puff of tobacco smoke releases a toxic mix of around 7,000 chemicals, some of which can harm the neuroreceptors in your mouth, dulling your sense of taste, Dr. Fiore says. The good news: The damage isn’t always permanent. Within as little as two weeks of quitting, you’ll start to notice how you can newly enjoy flavors and scents, according to a study published in 2017 in the journal Tobacco Induced Diseases.
At the same time, when you’re trying to quit, what you eat can help you stay the course. While there isn’t an official quitting diet, some foods can increase your chances of staying smoke-free for good — and some may make the habit harder to let go. Here’s what to eat and what to skip (at least temporarily) when you’re trying to give up cigarettes.
Best: Milk
If you feel a craving coming on, reach for a glass of milk instead of a cigarette. In a study published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research, researchers asked a group of 209 smokers which foods interact with the taste of cigarettes to make them more or less palatable. At the top of the list of foods that make cigarettes taste worse: dairy products. (This applies only to nonmenthol cigarettes; menthol can mask lots of flavors.)
Worst: Coffee
Unlike milk, coffee and cigarettes often go hand-in-hand. “When we ask people which cigarettes will be the most difficult to give up,” says Fiore, “one of the most common answers is, ‘The one I have with coffee.’” The reason: “Many people pair certain activities with smoking,” he says. The two habits become linked psychologically and nearly inseparable — having a coffee equals smoking.
Plus, caffeine delivers an extra buzz to the stimulating effects of cigarettes, which is another reason why coffee may trigger a strong craving. The Nicotine & Tobacco Research study also cited caffeinated beverages as something that makes cigarettes taste better.
If you’re trying to quit, Fiore recommends switching to tea for a week or two to break the association between smoking and your morning joe.
Best: Fruits and Vegetables
Smokers tend to eat less produce every day than those who don’t smoke, according to another study published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research. So when you’re quitting, it’s a good idea to pile it on. When the researchers analyzed 1,000 smokers, they found that those who ate the most fruits and vegetables were three times more likely to have stayed smoke-free for at least the past 30 days than those who ate the least. One reason? The earlier Nicotine & Tobacco Research study indicates that, like dairy, produce worsens the taste of cigarettes.
When you feel a tobacco craving coming on, the Mayo Clinic recommends munching on raw carrots, or any crunchy and tasty snack. Similarly, the National Cancer Institute suggests chewing on pickles, apples, or celery, as keeping your mouth busy may stop the psychological need to smoke.
Worst: Alcohol
People often smoke cigarettes when they drink beer, wine, or mixed drinks — and each cigarette-and-cocktail combo reinforces the pattern. “These things are so intimately linked, people don’t even have to think about lighting a cigarette when they have a beer,” says Fiore. “It’s automatic.”
Also, the Nicotine & Tobacco Research study cited alcohol as something that makes smoking taste better.
Try to abstain from alcohol during your first smoke-free month, Fiore says, when the risk of a smoking relapse is highest. After that, limit yourself to two drinks; having more can affect your judgment, making you more likely to reach for a cigarette.
Best: Popcorn and Other Snacks
When you’re quitting, you may find yourself wanting to snack all the time, mainly because you can no longer keep your hands and mouth occupied with a cigarette. If you need to put something in your mouth to fend off the urge to smoke, try air-popped popcorn, suggests Tobacco Free Life. Not only will this low-calorie snack help you quit smoking by keeping your hands and mouth busy, it will also satisfy a salty craving and can help you feel full.
The Mayo Clinic also recommends noshing on sunflower seeds, sugarless gum, or hard candy to help you quit smoking.
Worst: Meat
The Nicotine & Tobacco Research study found that meat products, like coffee and alcohol, make cigarettes taste better.
Best: Cinnamon Sticks
No, we’re not suggesting that you start crunching on cinnamon sticks — but some people say this spice can keep cigarettes at bay. “Sucking on cinnamon sticks delivers a nice taste for no calories,” says Fiore. “It offers something you can chew on and play with in your hands.”
Worst: Spicy and Sugary Foods
According to the American Cancer Society, it’s best to avoid spicy and sugary foods when you’re trying to quit smoking, because they tend to make people crave cigarettes even more.
Best: Beans
Quitting smoking is often associated with weight gain, and you really do need to watch your diet. Here’s why: You may find that you’re replacing cigarettes with food, keeping both your hands and mouth occupied. What’s more, you may have been used to the appetite-suppressing, metabolism-enhancing effects of nicotine. “Those two factors lead people to generally weigh a little less when they smoke than when they stop,” explains Fiore.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), quitting nicotine can temporarily lead to withdrawal symptoms, including increased appetite and weight gain.
If the thought of gaining a few pounds is discouraging, consider adding high-fiber beans to your diet. A study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found that people who made only one change to their diet — in this case, eating more fiber — lost nearly five pounds over the course of a month. And that may be exactly what you need to maintain a healthy weight in your post-cigarette life. Other high-fiber foods include artichokes, broccoli, raspberries, and oatmeal.
Best: Your Favorite Food (in Moderation)
Once you quit smoking, the flavor and texture of food will taste much better. “Ex-smokers say, ‘I wasn’t taking advantage of the wonderful smells and tastes around me,’” says Fiore. Use this time to get back in touch with a food that you used to love before you started smoking. Whether that’s a sliver of carrot cake or a serving of risotto, try to enjoy the food and savor the work of your renewed senses. It may offer a glimmer of hope during those times when quitting is a struggle.