What Is Sepsis? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Everyone may develop an infection at some point in life. But while many infections are cleared up by our immune system or with help from medication, others can progress to a life-threatening complication known as sepsis. (1)
When you’re sick, your immune system signals the release of chemicals that increase inflammation and help stop the spread of viruses, bacteria, or fungi. In the case of sepsis, the immune system’s inflammatory response to an infection is dysregulated. This causes widespread, dangerous inflammation throughout the body that can lead to poor blood flow and blood clots. (2)
Sepsis can also lead to organ failure and death. According to a study from 2019, body organs and systems that are more likely to fail, either individually or together (called multi-organ failure), in a severe sepsis state include: (3)
- Lungs
- Kidneys
- Liver
- Heart
- Central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
- Brain
- Hematologic (blood) system
Sepsis can progress quickly, so it’s vital to spot signs of this condition and get medical help. You can’t treat sepsis at home. It requires treatment in a hospital with close monitoring, sometimes in an intensive care unit (ICU). (4)
Signs and Symptoms of Sepsis
If you have any of the following symptoms, you may have sepsis, in mild to severe forms, as the difference between sepsis and more severe forms called septic shock are not easily detected without physician evaluation: (4)
- High fever (greater than 101 degrees F) or low body temperature (below 96.8 degrees F)
- Fast breathing (in general greater than 22 breaths per minute, depends on the individual)
- Heart rate more than 90 beats per minute (bpm)
- Change in mental status; confusion or disorientation
- Low blood pressure
- Chills or shivering
- Clammy or sweaty skin
If you’re fighting an infection and notice these symptoms, don’t delay in getting medical attention. Go to the emergency room or call 911. You should also see a doctor if you have these symptoms without a known infection.
Possible Warning Signs of Sepsis in Small Children
Identifying sepsis in children can be difficult when they’re too young to express how they feel.
Signs of sepsis in newborns and infants can include any of the above symptoms, as well as these symptoms: (5)
- Changes in skin color, such as blue or pale skin
- Jaundice
- Bulging soft spot on head
- Pauses in breathing
- Lethargy
Sepsis in children also starts with an infection. Seek immediate medical attention if your child develops any of these symptoms while he or she is fighting an infection.
Common Questions & Answers
Bacterial infections are the most common cause of sepsis. These infections can originate anywhere in the body. Sepsis develops as a result of widespread inflammation. Some fungal, viral, and parasitic infections can cause sepsis, too.
The three stages of sepsis are sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. Signs include a high fever, a higher heart rate, and a higher breathing rate. With severe sepsis, organ failure can occur along with breathing problems, unconsciousness, and abnormal heart function. Sepsis can also cause dangerously low blood pressure, known as septic shock.
Sepsis is a complication of an infection. An infection may develop in your urinary tract, lungs, or elsewhere in your body. If left untreated, this can trigger sepsis, which is an extreme response to an infection.
Sepsis is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. Early signs of sepsis include confusion or disorientation, high heart rate, fever, and shortness of breath.
Fortunately, most people recover from mild sepsis. However, septic shock has a mortality rate of about 40 percent. Also, individuals with a history of severe sepsis are at greater risk for a future infection.
Causes and Risk Factors of Sepsis
Any type of infection in the body can cause this serious medical complication. But some infections are more commonly linked to sepsis than others. These include: (4)
- Pneumonia
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Skin infection
- Abdominal infections
- Blood infection
Even though sepsis can happen to anyone, some people have a higher risk, such as adults age 65 and older and children younger than 1 year old. (2)
Premature babies are also at risk for sepsis because of their weakened immune system. (5) Babies in the neonatal intensive care unit are hooked up to IVs, catheters, and other tubes. Sometimes, bacteria on the skin surface can seep into openings connecting these tubes. (2)
Having certain chronic illnesses that weaken the immune system, such as diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune diseases, may also put you at a higher risk for sepsis because you are immunocompromised. (2)
An open wound, injury, or skin burn can also increase the likelihood of sepsis. (2)
How Is Sepsis Diagnosed?
Because there’s no single test to diagnose sepsis, confirming this medical condition is difficult. (6) But with the help of blood tests and other laboratory tests, doctors can usually diagnose sepsis based on symptoms and test results.
“Doctors look for sepsis in patients who have complaints that may be caused by an infection, such as a cough, a fever, burning during urination, an elevated heart rate, faster than normal breathing, confusion, lethargy, and mottled skin,” says Kimberly Brown, MD, MPH, an emergency physician at Baptist Memorial Health Care in Memphis, Tennessee.
To help diagnose sepsis, your doctor will take your temperature to confirm a fever. You’ll also have your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate monitored. (4)
Blood testing is also common to look for signs of an infection and to examine your organ function. Laboratory tests conducted in the hospital may include a urine test to check for a urinary tract infection. And if you have an open wound, your doctor may test a sample of drainage collected from the wound to determine the most appropriate antibiotic. (7) You may also have a sample of sputum (phlegm) collected to identify the specific germ causing a possible pneumonia.
If your doctor believes that an infection originated in your gut, a computerized tomography (CT) scan, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to take pictures of the inside of your body. These tests can look for abscesses or infections in your stomach, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, or colon.
Sepsis Prognosis
While sepsis is life-threatening, life after sepsis is possible. There are more than 1.4 million sepsis survivors every year in the United States. (8) But some survivors have post-sepsis challenges.
For example, about 60 percent of survivors experience long-term decline in cognitive and physical function. In addition, about one-third of sepsis survivors return to the hospital within three months because of another infection or a repeated case of sepsis. (8)
During the weeks or months following your recovery, you may also experience body aches, weight loss, difficulty sleeping, hair loss, brittle nails, depression, and poor concentration. (9)
Sepsis Duration
The duration of sepsis varies from person to person. Hospital treatment is often necessary, and depending on the severity, some people might remain in the hospital for several weeks. (10) Doctors administer antibiotics upon diagnosis, which are given in the hospital or if discharged taken orally, all total for about 7 to 10 days or longer, depending on the type of underlying infection, its severity, and recurrence. (11)
Even in the case of mild sepsis, it takes time to recover and rebuild strength. Some people develop post-sepsis syndrome, characterized by feeling weak and tired for several weeks or months after completing treatment. (10)
Sepsis Treatment and Medication Options
Treatment for sepsis is based on the source and severity of the infection. The goal of treatment is to stop the infection and protect organs from failing. Treatment may include: (12)
- Antibiotics A broad-spectrum antibiotic is capable of treating several types of bacteria. You’ll receive this medication intravenously so it can get into your bloodstream faster.
- Intravenous (IV) Fluids Treatment with intravenous fluids helps prevent low blood pressure and promotes blood flow to your organs. Adequate blood flow can prevent organ damage and organ failure. You may receive normal saline containing sodium, or colloids that help increase blood fluid volume.
Other treatments for sepsis include, not limited to: (12)
- Corticosteroids, to help reduce inflammation and support blood pressure
- Kidney dialysis
- Oxygen therapy
- Vasopressors (constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure)
Sometimes, surgery is necessary to address an infection for example, a large abscess or infected limb.
Prevention of Sepsis
Sepsis is preventable, whether it’s a first-time case or a recurrence. One of the best ways to protect yourself is to be proactive if you have signs of infection.
“Prevention is best done by seeking medical treatment early for evaluation of a suspected infection,” warns Dr. Brown. “The more rapidly an infection is treated, the less likely it can become sepsis.”
Along with quick action, the Sepsis Alliances says to take the following measures to prevent infections: (13)
Practice good hygiene. Get into a routine of washing your hands frequently throughout the day, especially before meals or before preparing food. Make a conscious effort not to touch your mouth, nose, or eyes with your hands. Also, avoid people who are sick. Teach your children the proper way to wash their hands to lower their risk of infection. (13) Thorough hand-washing takes at least 20 seconds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (17)
Get annual vaccinations. Talk to your doctor about vaccinations to help prevent infections. These include an annual flu shot, as well as vaccinations to prevent COVID-19, chicken pox, tetanus, and pneumonia.
Take antibiotics as directed. If you develop an infection and you’re prescribed an antibiotic, antiviral, or antifungal, take your medication as directed and complete the full course. Don’t stop your medication just because you feel better.
Take proper care of wounds. Many cuts, scrapes, and minor burns can be treated at home. But it’s important that you clean wounds with water to remove dirt and germs. Keep the wound covered with gauze until it heals. Also, learn how to recognize signs of a skin infection. Symptoms include skin redness, skin that’s warm to the touch, discharge from a wound, and worsening pain. Seek medical attention if you suspect a skin infection.
Complications of Sepsis
Your condition can worsen when sepsis isn’t diagnosed fast enough.
“If sepsis isn’t treated, it can develop into septic shock, which leads to a drop in blood pressure and eventually death, so it should be treated as soon as possible,” says Rebecca Lee, RN, the founder of the natural health resource Remedies For Me, who is based in New York City. “The faster treatment is started, the better the outcome.”
Symptoms of septic shock include the symptoms of sepsis, as well as the following conditions. Although sepsis and septic shock can present in a variety of ways, some of the common signs are: (14)
- Dizziness or fainting
- Disorientation
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
- Shortness of breath
- Muscle pain
- Slurred speech
- Sweaty skin
In addition to these, low blood pressure caused by septic shock can prevent blood flow to your organs. Inadequate blood flow can then lead to organ failure and tissue death. (14)
Death of soft tissue from a bacterial infection is known as gangrene. Symptoms of tissue death include numbness, severe pain, and skin discoloration. Gangrene affects the extremities and could result in the amputation of a limb.
When septic shock causes damage to the kidneys or lungs, you may also require dialysis or develop respiratory problems. Since septic shock can also impair your immune system, you’re also at risk for another infection. (4)
Learn More About the Complications of Sepsis: How It Affects Your Body in the Short and Long Term
Research and Statistics: How Common Is Sepsis?
If you’ve never heard of sepsis, you may think this is an extremely rare condition. But sepsis is more common than some people realize.
About 1.7 million adults develop sepsis every year, according to the CDC, and of those hospitalized for sepsis, at least 350,000 die during their hospitalization or are discharged to hospice. A third of those who die in a hospital had sepsis during that hospitalization. (15)
The number of sepsis cases has been rising in recent years. Experts haven't pinpointed the exact cause for this, but researchers suspect that a few factors — such as a greater awareness of sepsis by healthcare providers and increasing resistance to antibiotics — may be contributing to the increase. (4)
One belief is that doctors have become more aware of sepsis, resulting in more medical professionals tracking these cases than before.
The fact that people are living longer may also play a role in the increased number of sepsis incidents. This is because the risk for chronic diseases rises with age, and sepsis is more likely to occur in those with a chronic disease. (5) Currently, the average life expectancy in the United States is 77 years, according to the CDC. (16)
Antibiotic resistance may also influence the prevalence of sepsis. This occurs when bacteria adapt and resist antibiotics commonly used to treat bacterial infections. As a result, antibiotics become less effective in treating certain infectious diseases. And when antibiotics don’t work, infections can spread and lead to sepsis. (2)
Related Conditions and Causes of Sepsis
In addition to the aforementioned infections, germs, and skin burns, having certain chronic conditions could put you at a higher risk for sepsis.
Chronic illnesses that have a greater risk of sepsis include: (4)
- Type 2 diabetes
- Lung disease
- Kidney disease
- Cancer
- HIV and AIDS
Resources We Love
Favorite Orgs for Essential Sepsis Info
The mission of the Sepsis Alliance is to save lives and increase sepsis awareness. Whether you’re looking to learn the basics about sepsis or explore treatment options, this is an excellent go-to resource for answers.
Spotting early symptoms of sepsis, whether in yourself or your child, can improve your prognosis. The Sepsis Trust provides a wealth of information to recognize signs early, plus other resources to build awareness. There’s an FAQ page on sepsis, inspiring patient stories (so you know you’re not alone), and links to other helpful websites.
Here you’ll find information about causes, risk factors, prevention, and treatment options for sepsis. The Cleveland Clinic also offers a “live chat” feature where you can speak with a representative, as well as other helpful resources to increase your knowledge.
Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC)
The SSC strives to reduce sepsis mortality and improve the outcome for those living with post-sepsis syndrome. The website includes resources for adult and pediatric patients, sepsis screening tools, and you’ll also find a resource library.
Favorite Online Support Networks
Sepsis Alliance — Faces of Sepsis
If you’re a sepsis survivor (or you have a family member who survived sepsis), you might enjoy connecting with those who understand this road to recovery. The Faces of Sepsis is an excellent place to read survivor stories — the good and the bad. You can read the personal accounts of others and share your own story.
World Sepsis Day — Personal Stories
This page allows sepsis survivors and those who’ve lost loved ones to share their personal stories with the world. Gain strength and encouragement from their life stories, or share your own.
Favorite Site for Sepsis Products
Bring awareness to sepsis with your own merchandise. The Sepsis Alliance offers a wide variety of items: survivor ribbons, stickers, wristbands, tote bags, pens, and more.
Favorite Resource for Becoming an Advocate
Want to get involved and do more? This is an excellent place to start. Learn how you can take action by encouraging your local or state government to help increase awareness of sepsis.
Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking
- Sepsis Symptoms. NHS. September 5, 2022.
- Sepsis: Symptoms and Causes. Mayo Clinic. January 19, 2021.
- Caraballo C, Jaimes F. Organ Dysfunction in Sepsis: An Ominous Trajectory From Infection to Death. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. December 2019.
- Sepsis. National Institute of General Medical Sciences. September 10, 2021.
- Sepsis. KidsHealth. August 2018.
- Testing for Sepsis. Sepsis Alliance. January 26, 2022.
- Sepsis: Diagnosis and Treatment. Mayo Clinic. January 19, 2021.
- Sepsis Alliance Launches Sepsis Survivor Week — February 10th to 16th. Sepsis Alliance. February 12, 2019.
- I Survived Sepsis. What’s Next? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. August 9, 2022.
- Sepsis Treatment and Recovery. NHS. September 5, 2022.
- Sepsis. NHS Inform. November 24, 2022.
- Treatment. Sepsis Alliance. March 25, 2021.
- Prevention. Sepsis Alliance. January 13, 2022.
- Septic Shock. NHS Inform. November 24, 2022.
- What Is Sepsis? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. August 9, 2022.
- Life Expectancy. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. September 6, 2022.
- When and How to Wash Your Hands. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. November 15, 2022.