What Is Narcolepsy? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological condition in which the brain’s ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles is impaired. Individuals with this sleep disorder frequently experience trouble sleeping at night and periods of intense sleepiness during the day because the various stages of sleep happen at the wrong times.
It’s important to see your doctor if you think you or a loved one may have narcolepsy. It can interfere with school, work, and relationships and can lead to depression, anxiety, learning difficulties, and even accidents and injuries. While knowledge about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment have improved, it can take years to get a correct diagnosis, exacting a significant toll on an individual’s quality of life. Here’s a primer on what it means to have narcolepsy, what causes the disorder, symptoms you might experience, treatments, and how to live with it.
The Two Types of Narcolepsy
Doctors categorize narcolepsy in two ways.
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Signs and Symptoms of Narcolepsy
Because people with narcolepsy have impaired sleep cycles, the most common problem is not being able to sleep soundly and consistently throughout the night. As a result, the one symptom that everyone with narcolepsy shares is excessive daytime sleepiness.
- Excessive Daytime Sleepiness People with narcolepsy may feel refreshed when they wake up in the morning, only to feel extremely tired as the day goes on. This can cause an overwhelming urge to fall asleep, even at a meal, at work, or with friends or family.These sleep attacks are different from cataplexy, the most dramatic symptom of narcolepsy.
- Cataplexy This sudden loss of muscle tone and control occurs when someone with narcolepsy experiences a strong emotion, such as joy, surprise, fear, or anger. Cataplexy can range from mild (such as a barely noticeable feeling of slight drooping in the eyelids) to severe (the entire body collapsing). People are awake during these episodes, but they may not be able to move or talk. Some people may experience an episode of cataplexy just once or twice in a lifetime, while others may have several in one day. Episodes last no more than a few minutes and resolve on their own.
- Fragmented Sleep A disturbed sleep cycle often means a short and frustrating night’s sleep for people with narcolepsy. Insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and sleep apnea may occur, breaking up sleep.
- Sleep Paralysis Our muscles are temporarily paralyzed during REM sleep (thought to be an evolutionary safety mechanism that prevents us from acting out our dreams), but in people with narcolepsy, it can happen at the wrong time. This symptom can leave these individuals awake and unable to move. The paralysis typically lasts only a few seconds or minutes.
- Hallucinations These are vivid, dreamlike visions that take on an extra-real quality. They are called “hypnagogic” if they happen while someone is falling asleep and “hypnopompic” if they occur while they are waking up.
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Because the symptoms of narcolepsy — such as excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, hallucinations when waking up, and sleep paralysis — often resemble those of other health conditions, such as an illness or a psychiatric disorder, misdiagnosis of narcolepsy is common.
Learn More About the Signs and Symptoms of Narcolepsy
Causes and Risk Factors of Narcolepsy
How Is Narcolepsy Diagnosed?
To determine whether someone has narcolepsy, doctors typically conduct a physical exam and take a complete medical and family history. That information will be evaluated along with the results of two types of sleep tests, which are conducted in a sleep lab:
Learn More About Diagnosing Narcolepsy
Prognosis of Narcolepsy
Duration of Narcolepsy
Treatment and Medication Options for Narcolepsy
Lifestyle and behavior changes doctors may recommend include incorporating healthy sleep habits, such as sleeping at least seven hours per night, and keeping a regular schedule (going to bed and waking up around the same time each day).
Your doctor may also suggest you take strategic naps throughout the day to reduce daytime sleepiness and improve energy, exercise regularly, and avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime. It’s also wise to avoid medications that can make you feel sleepy, such as narcotics and allergy medications.
Learn More About Treatment and Medication Options for Narcolepsy
How Narcolepsy Affects Learning
Narcolepsy doesn’t affect intelligence, but it can affect someone’s ability to learn because of excessive drowsiness during the day, sleep attacks, sudden loss of muscle control, or the need to take breaks.
Diagnosis and treatment is important for students with narcolepsy, as is clear communication between the student, parents, teachers, and school administrators. It’s also important to know that students with narcolepsy may be legally eligible for specialized education plans that provide accommodations so they can learn in an environment that meets their needs. These adjustments may include help with note-taking, extra time for tests, a flexible schedule, and nap time.
Learn More About Navigating School and Learning With Narcolepsy
Prevention of Narcolepsy
While there’s no way to prevent narcolepsy, promising research may lead to methods that allow scientists to replace the missing brain chemical hypocretin, according to Mignot. Researchers are looking for ways to stop the destruction of hypocretin before it happens, in order to prevent narcolepsy in people who are at risk for developing the disease.
Complications of Narcolepsy
Research and Statistics: Who Has Narcolepsy?
Related Conditions of Narcolepsy
The reason for the association was unknown but could be related to poor sleep or to low levels of hypocretin, which they note also helps regulate eating and activity levels.
Resources We Love
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
In addition to extensive information aimed at healthcare practitioners, this website from the organization that accredits sleep centers and medical sleep practices also has a ton of information for patients. Consumers can find recent updates about narcolepsy — including FDA-approvals of new drugs — and patient guides to common sleep problems that may affect people with narcolepsy.
The go-to destination for consumer health information about all things sleep-related, this website features articles reviewed by a team of well-credentialed sleep specialists. A section on narcolepsy goes beyond the basics, covering the disorder’s effects on work, school, relationships, and more.
This nonprofit is dedicated to raising awareness about sleep health. Check out their smart, compelling videos about real people with narcolepsy — including this one about nurses living with the condition. You’ll find practical information about supporting good sleep, plus ways to get involved as an advocate for narcolepsy awareness through Project Sleep’s Rising Voices project.
A national leader in narcolepsy research and awareness, Wake Up Narcolepsy raises funds for cutting-edge scientific research into this disorder. The website includes a podcast featuring interviews with real people who have narcolepsy.
Julie Flygare’s Wide Awake and Dreaming: One Step Ahead of Narcolepsy
This is a compelling personal blog from the founder of Project Sleep. Flygare is an attorney and serious runner (she has run the Boston Marathon), and in 2009 she collaborated with Harvard Medical School on a narcolepsy awareness educational program for medical students based on her own experiences. She writes honestly about living and working with narcolepsy. Athletes will appreciate her posts specifically about running.
Additional reporting by Sari Harrar.
Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking
- Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia. Stanford Medicine Center for Narcolepsy.
- Narcolepsy. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. March 24, 2022.
- Narcolepsy: Symptoms and Causes. Mayo Clinic. January 14, 2023.
- Slowik JM, Collen JF, Yow AG. Narcolepsy. StatPearls. June 21, 2022.
- Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. March 17, 2023.
- Narcolepsy. MedlinePlus. June 1, 2018.
- Narcolepsy Symptoms. Sleep Foundation. March 21, 2023.
- Ebrahim IO, Howard RS, Kopelman MD, et al. The Hypocretin/Orexin System. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. May 2002.
- Mignot E. Perspectives in Narcolepsy and Hypocretin (Orexin) Research. Sleep Medicine. April 2000.
- Narcolepsy. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. January 20, 2023.
- Our Mission. Stanford Medicine Center for Narcolepsy.
- Narcolepsy: Diagnosis and Treatment. Mayo Clinic. January 14, 2023.
- Thorpy MJ. Recently Approved and Upcoming Treatments for Narcolepsy. CNS Drugs. January 2020.
- Narcolepsy Fast Facts. Narcolepsy Network. June 2015.
- Understanding Narcolepsy. Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.
- Narcolepsy Current Clinical Trials. ClinicalTrials.gov.
- FAQs: Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia Research. Stanford Medicine Center for Narcolepsy.
- Narcolepsy: Developing New Treatments. Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.
- Jennum P, Ibsen R, Knudsen S, Kjellberg J. Comorbidity and Mortality of Narcolepsy: A Controlled Retro- and Prospective National Study. Sleep. June 1, 2013.