What Is Lupus? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Lupus is an autoimmune disease — meaning the immune system doesn’t function properly and attacks a person’s own body by mistake — and it affects multiple organs throughout the body. In healthy individuals, the body produces proteins called antibodies to fight off foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
Lupus is “the epitome of an autoimmune disease,” says Stuart Kaplan, MD, a rheumatologist at Mount Sinai South Nassau in Oceanside, New York. “It’s the body fighting itself and making antibodies against one’s own cells.”
This lifelong, chronic disease has the potential to affect almost every organ system in the body, although not all systems are affected in any one person. The first thing patients need to know is that lupus varies in symptoms and severity from person to person, adds Dr. Kaplan. Some people have active disease while others have mild disease. It’s important to note that lupus is not contagious.
There are several types of lupus:
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) About 70 percent of people diagnosed with lupus have this form, making it the most common. In some people, the disease is mild and may cause only rash and some joint pain, says Kaplan. In others, inflammation can lead to kidney damage (also known as lupus nephritis) or other complications, he says.
- Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus This form of lupus develops in the skin as a rash. The most common form of cutaneous lupus erythematosus is discoid — which refers to the appearance of a round, raised, red, and scaly rash that does not itch.About 10 percent of discoid lupus patients can go on to develop SLE.
- Drug-Induced Lupus Erythematosus (DIL) Some drugs can cause conditions very similar to lupus, resulting in symptoms such as rash, arthritis, hair loss, and fever. “Once medications are discontinued, the symptoms go away,” thus it is not SLE, says Roberto Caricchio, MD, a rheumatologist at UMass Memorial Health in Worcester, Massachusetts.
- Neonatal Lupus Technically neonatal lupus is not a form of lupus. The condition is the result of autoantibodies passing from a pregnant woman with lupus (or related condition) through the placenta and to the baby developing in the womb, causing mostly temporary symptoms, explains Virginia Pascual, MD, the director of the Gale and Ira Drukier Institute for Children’s Health at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. Some infants are born with symptoms such as skin rash, liver problems, or white blood cell counts. But those symptoms disappear within a few months and leave no lasting effects.
Signs and Symptoms of Lupus
- Fever
- Headaches
- Sun sensitivity
- Low red blood cell counts (anemia)
- Swelling of the hands, arms, feet, legs, and around the eyes (edema)
- Mouth or nose sores
- Hair loss
- Blood clotting
- Raynaud’s syndrome, in which the small blood vessels in the fingers and toes spasm, limiting circulation, especially in cold weather
It’s important to note that among patients with lupus, type, and severity of symptoms differ from person to person, and new symptoms can appear at any time.
Stress may contribute to the immune system not functioning properly, explains Kaplan. And both emotional and physical stress, such as from surgery, have been known to exacerbate lupus.
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Many women with lupus find that the condition may flare before their period. Estrogen peaks around day 14 of the menstrual cycle, but “it takes a while for the flare to develop,” says Kaplan. Lupus can also flare during or shortly after pregnancy, he adds.
Causes and Risk Factors of Lupus
The answer to what causes lupus? “We do not know,” says Caricchio. Research has yet to pinpoint the exact conditions or triggers that lead to the disease, he explains — “however, the condition appears to be multifactorial.”
Experts suspect that your genes, as well as other things you’re exposed to throughout your life, affect likelihood of you getting lupus:
- Genetics Doctors and researchers believe a genetic predisposition may contribute to the development of lupus, says Kaplan. Dozens of genetic variations have been found to be associated with the disease, affecting who gets it and how severe those cases are.That means the disease is hereditary, making parents more likely to pass it to their children. But just because you are genetically predisposed to the condition, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get it.
- Environment Researchers suspect environmental factors may increase the risk of developing lupus. For example, exposure to sun can cause a lupus rash and some systemic lupus activity, says Stacy Ardoin, MD, a clinical associate professor of internal medicine in rheumatology The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. Other environmental factors that may contribute to lupus can include some drugs, viral infections, exhaustion, stress, and anything that can cause physical stress to the body (such as surgery, physical harm, injury, pregnancy, or giving birth).
- Hormones Lupus is much more common in women than in men. One reason for this may be because of higher estrogen levels in women, notes Kaplan — though that has not yet been proven in scientific studies.
How Is Lupus Diagnosed?
Diagnosing lupus “can be very challenging,” Dr. Ardoin says. This is because symptoms can range from a mild rash and arthritis to kidney failure and seizures — “with a whole spectrum in between.” Symptoms may mimic other diseases and conditions, such as infections or cancer.
Other tests for lupus depend on the symptoms patients are experiencing, says Kaplan. For example, chest X-rays and echocardiograms may be necessary to investigate fluid around the lungs and the heart. If doctors suspect nephritis is present, the patient may need a kidney biopsy. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to avoid complications, he adds.
An accurate diagnosis of lupus can take time, says Caricchio. However, the availability of good lupus classification criteria can make the chance of receiving a wrong diagnosis slim, he adds. Classification criteria are a set of symptoms and signs doctors use after they suspect that you have lupus, to determine the type and severity of your case.
Fortunately, increased awareness among the general public and primary care physicians may mean patients may see a rheumatologist sooner rather than later for diagnosis, says Caricchio.
Learn More About How Doctors Diagnose Lupus and What Tests to Expect
Prognosis of Lupus
While a lupus diagnosis can be overwhelming, if the disease is controlled, people living with the condition should be able to “go about life as normally as people who don’t have lupus,” Luk says.
Individuals should go on pursuing activities or hobbies they enjoyed before diagnosis, adds Caricchio. And, he says: Women with lupus can have children. “We don’t discourage having kids by any means,” he says. “But it is recommended that women become pregnant when lupus is not active, so that the chance of flare is minimal.”
Duration of Lupus
Lupus is a chronic, lifelong disease. However, most people don’t experience symptoms continuously. Instead, there are different times when symptoms appear, known as lupus flares. How long flares last varies from patient to patient, but symptoms can typically persist from a few days to weeks at a time. “There’s no way to predict when a flare will occur,” says Dr. Luk.
Flare symptoms can also be wide-ranging. Some people may experience relatively mild flares that include rash and arthritis, while others have severe flares, such as kidney inflammation, adds Luk.
Treatment and Medication Options for Lupus
Rheumatologists typically manage lupus with a variety of drugs, says Caricchio, adding that treatment regimens are tailored to each patient based on his or her symptoms.
Medication Options for Lupus
Some patients with mild lupus — with a little joint pain or rash — can be managed with anti-inflammatory drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory inhibitor drugs (also known as NSAIDs), says Kaplan. Steroids may also help with inflammation associated with lupus, he says.
Other drugs used to treat lupus include the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which modulates the immune system, and targeted medications including anifrolumab and belimumab, which are biologic medications (meaning they are made from natural sources). Some chemotherapy drugs and transplant drugs may be used, too, to treat patients with lupus nephritis or other organ problems, says Caricchio.
Why Lupus Monitoring Is Important
While lupus is more treatable than it used to be, the disease can still be life-threatening, Ardoin notes. “It’s hard to predict the course of illness, so it’s important for patients to check in regularly with their rheumatologist,” she says.
After people are diagnosed and begin treatment, they need to see their rheumatologists regularly for blood draws to monitor blood counts, systemic inflammation, and disease activity.
Blood tests also help doctors monitor levels of complement proteins, which boost the body’s immune response to infections. (Levels of complement proteins, as well as some others, are low when the disease is active, explains Ardoin.)
Blood and urine tests are also needed to check kidney function. “It’s important to regularly follow up with a rheumatologist to make sure the disease is not starting to become more severe,” says Luk. If kidney problems are not detected early, the risk of renal failure and death are higher.
Alternative and Complementary Therapies
In addition to treatment, certain lifestyle and dietary adjustments can help people with lupus. There’s no specific “lupus diet” but incorporating foods that fight inflammation can be beneficial. Maintain a healthy balance of fresh vegetables such as dark leafy greens, whole grains, and protein from fish and beans, and watch out for sugar and unhealthy fats. Limit high-fat and processed foods. And, avoid alfalfa — it has substances that can activate your immune system.
Dietary changes may also be necessary depending on which medication you’re taking for your treatment.
Learn More About Treatment for Lupus
Prevention of Lupus Flares
There’s no known way to prevent lupus itself, but there are steps you can take to help prevent flares of symptoms. You can’t entirely predict when a flare will happen but it’s important to stick to your treatment and identify — and then avoid or reduce — triggers such as stress, infections, and sunlight.
Maintaining overall health is key, too. Because lupus is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, whether due to inflammation or genetics, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is particularly important, says Caricchio. He recommends getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy body weight, exercising, and eating a nutritious diet.
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Additionally, people with lupus should be mindful to avoid sun exposure as much as possible by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing, says Kaplan. A photosensitive rash can become worse in UV light.
Good social relationships and support groups can also be important for maintaining mental health, says Ardoin.
Complications of Lupus
- Nephritis, or inflammation of the kidney, which can be mild or severe
- Fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion) and the lungs (pleural effusion), which can cause shortness of breath or chest pain
- Blockages of the blood vessels leading to the brain, causing stroke
- Inflammation of the heart, or myocarditis, which can cause chest pain and heart disease
- Inflammation of the brain, which can cause confusion, seizures, and psychosis
- Depression and problems with short-term memory
- A higher risk of miscarriage and preterm labor in pregnant women
- Long term cardiovascular effects
Research and Statistics: Who Has Lupus?
Previous work had estimated national rates but extrapolated estimates based on much smaller data sets.
The new research estimates that for every 100,000 people in the population, there were 72.8 cases of lupus. Lupus rates are nine times higher for women than for men, at 128.7 versus 14.6 per 100,000 people; and are highest among American Indian, Black and Hispanic women, at 270.6, 230.9, and 120.7 cases per 100,000 people respectively. There are 84.7 cases of lupus per 100,000 white women, in contrast.
A rare-disease classification would decrease the number of study participants needed for testing new treatments and shaping the design of clinical trials.
Children undergo the same diagnostic testing as adults, and treatments are similar. “There are few clinical trials in children, so there is no option but to treat children based on the adult experience. We use the same drugs,” says Pascual, with doses adjusted according to the child’s weight.
Doctors should closely monitor children for drug side effects. Steroids, for example, can delay growth and cause high blood pressure. Chemotherapy can make children more prone to infections, says Pascual. Fortunately, life expectancy in pediatric lupus has improved dramatically in the last 15 years, she says.
BIPOC and Lupus
The data from Dr. Somers’s group was a first step into gathering more reliable, detailed data on the issue, using a standardized way of defining cases, Somers said. “It’s important to have a firm understanding of baseline rates of this disease to flag trends in the population and how they’re changing over time,” she said.
The research also quantified, for the first time, the prevalence of lupus in men with direct comparison between ethnic groups. Lupus rates are highest in Black men, followed by Hispanic, Asian, and white men.
Somers’s group, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, continues their work by looking at why there are such stark disparities in lupus between genders and race. Using the data from the five registries, the researchers are also looking at patients’ experiences with lupus and how the disease evolves.
Related Conditions of Lupus
Lupus may also occur with the chronic autoimmune conditions myasthenia gravis and scleroderma; antiphospholipid syndrome, which encourages the formation of blood clots; polymyositis and dermatomyositis, which can cause swelling in the muscles and skin; and Sjögren’s syndrome, which affects moisture-producing glands in the eyes and mouth.
Resources We Love
Favorite Orgs for Essential Lupus Info
This health organization has been leading the fight against lupus for over 40 years, raising money for research and education. On their site you’ll find a national resource center with up-to-date medical information, along with encouraging articles on living and coping with the disease.
COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance
This grassroots organization collects and shares information on how the coronavirus affects patients with autoimmune diseases. Its website provides the latest research on COVID-19 patients with rheumatic diseases.
This nonprofit organization offers a wealth of information for patients, from local support groups, to financial assistance, to a comprehensive online resource center with links to the latest research and clinical trials, healthy living ideas, and community-building efforts.
Founded in 2000, this Los Angeles–based nonprofit promotes lupus medical research, provides support to people living with the autoimmune condition, and raises awareness at a national level.
For the latest on research, treatments, and clinical trials into the causes of lupus, check out the Lupus Research Alliance. You can also ask questions in their community forum.
Favorite Blogs About Living With Lupus
At age 26, Sara Gorman was diagnosed with lupus and resolved not to let it interfere with her busy career and social life. But after four unsustainable years fighting it, she “committed to working with the disease rather than against it.” Her blog, Despite Lupus, focuses on living well with chronic illness, covering everything from how to start over with a new doctor to not feel overwhelmed by the disease.
Since 2008, journalist Marisa Zeppieri has run LupusChick, providing resources, motivation, and support for others with chronic illness. Check out the blog for a wealth of “information, advice, nutrition, recipes, coaching, humor, life hacks, true stories, and more.”
Additional reporting by Carmen Chai.
Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking
- What Is Lupus? Lupus Foundation of America. October 21, 2020.
- What Is Cutaneous Lupus? Lupus Foundation of America. July 12, 2013.
- Lupus. MedlinePlus. July 20, 2016.
- Lupus. American College of Rheumatology. December 2021.
- What Causes Lupus? Lupus Foundation of America. November 28, 2016.
- Lab Tests for Lupus. Lupus Foundation of America. July 15, 2013.
- Aringer M, Costenbader K, Daikh D, et al. 2019 European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology Classification Criteria for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus [PDF]. Arthritis & Rheumatology. September 2019.
- Petri M, Orbai A-M, Alarcón GS, et al. Derivation and Validation of the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics Classification Criteria for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Arthritis & Rheumatism. August 2012.
- Prognosis and Life Expectancy. Lupus Foundation of America. July 18, 2013.
- Hahn BH, McMahon MA, Wilkinson A, et al. American College of Rheumatology Guidelines for Screening, Treatment, and Management of Lupus Nephritis. Arthritis Care & Research. June 2012.
- Lupus: Symptoms and Causes. Mayo Clinic. October 21, 2022.
- Lupus Facts and Statistics. Lupus Foundation of America. October 6, 2016.
- Izmirly PM, Parton H, Wang L, et al. Prevalence of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in the United States: Estimates From a Meta-Analysis of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Lupus Registries. Arthritis & Rheumatology. June 2021.
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Lupus). National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. October 2022.
- Hofheinz E. To Understand Lupus, Study the Gut. The Rheumatologist. September 17, 2019.
- Common Diseases That Overlap With Lupus. Lupus Foundation of America. February 28, 2014.
- Rare Diseases at FDA. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. December 13, 2022.
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. MedlinePlus. April 27, 2022.

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