6 Processed Foods You Can Actually Eat With Diabetes

When you have diabetes — or are at risk for the disease — you may think certain foods are off limits. And some, like candy or canned fruit in heavy syrup, are best eaten in moderation. But just because a food is processed or packaged doesn’t mean it’s automatically on the list of things you shouldn't eat. In fact, some processed foods can be beneficial for meal planning, and help you control your blood sugar levels.
“Processed,” by the way, simply means a food has been changed from its original form. So while foods made with hard-to-pronounce chemicals and additives do fall under the processed food umbrella, so do beans that have been cooked and canned but are still simply beans.
So, choosing healthy foods isn't always easy when you have type 2 diabetes. But that's okay. You don't have to be perfect. In fact, attaining balance in your type 2 diabetes diet can give you a sense of peace and may even help you better stick with your meal plan. Fast food, for example, may be okay in moderation if you're eating a healthy diet for most of the time, diabetes educators agree. It's all about the big picture!
In the same vein, what follow are just some examples of processed foods that dietitians agree are okay to eat with diabetes. Go ahead and confidently add these picks to your grocery list.
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Canned Chickpeas

“These are one of the most versatile kitchen staples I recommend to my clients living with diabetes,” says Lori Zanini, RD, CDE, author of Eat What You Love Diabetes Cookbook, who is based in Manhattan Beach, California.
Look for the no-salt-added version, as regular versions can contain an ample amount of sodium — something you want to limit when you have diabetes, in order to help lower both your blood pressure and your risk for heart attack and stroke, according to the American Diabetes Association. Just rinse and drain, and you’re good to go!
“Not only are canned garbanzo beans (another name for chickpeas) an excellent source of fiber, which helps improve blood glucose and lipid levels, but they also offer magnesium,” says Zanini. “Magnesium is an essential mineral that is often too low in people with diabetes.” The mineral may help people with diabetes better control their blood sugar levels, and a review published in September 2011 in the journal Diabetes Care found that getting enough magnesium could help lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the first place.
Add chickpeas to a green salad, or give ‘em a roast for a snack: Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with dried thyme and black pepper, then cook for 20 to 30 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit, suggests Zanini.
Full-Fat Salad Dressing

Don't fear the fat! “You may think fat-free salad dressing is the best choice, but you may be better off choosing regular dressing that uses a monounsaturated fat as its main ingredient,” says Toby Smithson, RDN, CDE, author of Diabetes Meal Planning and Nutrition for Dummies, who is based in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. This means dressings with olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, and avocado oil are all up for grabs.
Here’s why: Adding healthy fat to your salad may help you better absorb carotenoids — such as lutein and zeaxanthin — from your salad veggies, according to a study published in June 2012 in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. “Carotenoids are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, a condition more prevalent in people with diabetes,” says Smithson. The calories add up, though, so make sure to limit your portion to a 1- to 2-tablespoon (tbsp) drizzle.
Whole-Grain Bread

Carbs don’t have to be off limits when you have diabetes. In fact, choosing the right ones can actually help you better control your blood sugar levels and promote a healthy weight, which can increase insulin sensitivity. “Bread made from 100 percent whole grains actually has much more fiber and protein than white and many multigrain breads,” says Natalie Rizzo, RD, who's in private practice in New York City.
While fiber can help stabilize blood sugar, protein can help make you feel fuller for longer — meaning you may be less likely to binge on food that isn't diabetes-friendly. Shop for a loaf with a whole-grain first ingredient — such as “whole-grain flour,” “whole-wheat flour,” or “whole-oat flour” — and that contains at least 3 grams (g) of fiber and 4 g of protein per slice, with no more than 3 g of sugar. Try a tuna or turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread and a side salad drizzled with an olive oil–based dressing, suggests Rizzo.
Canned Salmon and Tuna

“These are a convenient way to quickly add some anti-inflammatory benefits to any meal,” says Zanini. “Additionally, both canned tuna and canned salmon are great sources of protein, which takes longer to digest than carbohydrates and will not raise blood glucose levels.” Both are rich in the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA — and a study published in January 2014 in the journal Diabetes Care found that men who regularly consumed higher amounts of these omega-3s had a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Zanini recommends making salmon cakes: Combine a 6-ounce (oz) can of salmon with 1 egg, ¼ cup whole-wheat bread crumbs, and 2 tbsp diced red pepper. Then form into patties and sauté in olive oil over medium-high heat for 5 to 10 minutes.
Aim to eat two 4-oz servings of fatty fish weekly, prioritizing lower-mercury options. You can learn more about the mercury content in various types of fish on the American Diabetes Association website. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), canned salmon and canned light tuna are low-mercury foods, while albacore tuna is higher in mercury. The EPA recommends eating up to 12 oz per week of low-mercury foods and only 6 oz per week of high-mercury foods.

Yogurt, especially the Greek variety, is full of protein, which helps keep you feeling fuller for longer. While you’ll see sugars on the nutrition panel of unsweetened yogurt, these are naturally occurring lactose sugars. “Certain yogurts, like ones with fruit on the bottom or candy pieces in them, can be loaded with sugar — but many omit the added sugar entirely,” says Rizzo.
When you’re shopping, consider opting for a full-fat or low-fat version, since eating higher-fat dairy may help you lower your risk of obesity, which could help delay the onset of type 2 diabetes if you’re at risk, according to a study published in February 2013 in the European Journal of Nutrition.
Not used to plain yogurt? You might think it tastes bitter, but you can easily sweeten it without any added sugar by topping it with sliced fruit or cinnamon — which has its own blood sugar benefits, according to a study published in August 2011 in the Journal of Medicinal Food. Add a little healthy fat, such as 1 tbsp of almond butter or 2 tbsp of chopped pecans, to amp up the yogurt’s tide-you-over power. More ideas: “Blend it in a smoothie with frozen fruit, or use it as a savory topping to tacos as a stand-in for sour cream,” suggests Rizzo.
Dark Chocolate

“People with diabetes tend to think anything sweet is forbidden, but dark chocolate can fit into a healthy meal plan for people with diabetes,” notes Smithson. Regularly eating this sweet treat may offer protective benefits for your ticker — including a lower risk of both heart disease and stroke, according to a study published in August 2015 in the journal Heart. “Many of the benefits of dark chocolate are related to cardiovascular health, and people with diabetes are at twice the risk of developing heart disease,” says Smithson.
Look for a dark chocolate with a cacao content of at least 70 percent. Typically, the higher the percentage, the more benefits you’ll get. And of course, moderation is important: Have 1 oz (one to two chocolate squares) a few times a week to once daily, advises Smithson. “Chocolate, even dark chocolate, comes along with fat and calories,” she says.