Rhodiola Supplement 101: Potential Benefits, Known Risks, and More

When searching for nondrug methods to boost stamina, decrease stress, and promote heart and vascular health, you may have come across rhodiola supplements.
“Rhodiola supplements may be considered for individuals who are looking to reduce stress and anxiety, improve cognitive function, enhance exercise performance, support immune function, or alleviate symptoms of depression,” explains Trista Best, MPH, RD, a consultant with Balance One Supplements based in Dalton, Georgia.
Like other herbal supplements, there are potential health benefits — as well as risks — to consider with rhodiola. Here’s everything you need to know about this popular herbal supplement.
What Is Rhodiola?
Rhodiola rosea, or simply “rhodiola,” is a plant that’s indigenous to mountainous regions of Asia and Europe. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), rhodiola has its roots in traditional Scandinavian and Russian medicine for its purported effects on altitude sickness, mental health, and overall stamina.
“Rhodiola is a perennial herb known for its adaptogenic properties,” says Sony Sherpa, MD, a Sacramento, Califoria–based holistic medicine researcher and specialist for Nature’s Rise. “It has been used traditionally to support the body’s natural response to physical and emotional stressors.”
Today, rhodiola is widely available as an herbal supplement, which is composed of the root and stem of the plant.
Common Questions & Answers
Functions of Rhodiola Supplement
Rhodiola supplements are marketed for a variety of purposes related to physical and mental health. The primary functions of rhodiola are to:
- Increase energy and stamina
- Improve strength and overall exercise performance
- Boost focus and overall mental capacity
- Reduce stress
- Help manage anxiety and depression
Forms of Rhodiola
Rhodiola is available in multiple types of oral supplements. According to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), you may find rhodiola in the following forms:
- Liquid extracts
- Tablets
- Capsules
Potential Health Benefits of Rhodiola
While clinical studies involving rhodiola are ongoing, the American Botanical Council (ABC) explains that the potential benefits of this herb may be attributed to its phytochemicals. These include flavonoids, phenolic acid, phenylpropanoids, and more.
“On a cellular level, it works by modulating levels of hormones and neurotransmitters associated with stress, such as cortisol, serotonin, and dopamine,” says Sherpa. “With regular use, it can [potentially] result in improved well-being and overall health.”
While authoritative clinical research is limited, here are some of the theoretical health benefits of rhodiola supplements.
May Reduce Stress and Support Mental Health
Rhodiola supplements are perhaps best known for stress relief and mental health support. Previous research notes that, unlike prescription medications, rhodiola may reduce the effects of chronic stress without unwanted side effects. One review of human clinical trials further explains that, while more human studies are needed, rhodiola has the potential to help treat related conditions such as anxiety and depression.
According to Mental Health America (MHA), rhodiola may also possibly benefit:
- Bipolar disorder
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Depression (mild to moderate)
- Fibromyalgia
- Side effects from psychotropic medications
“Overall, the efficacy of Rhodiola rosea for stress and anxiety relief, mental fatigue, and ADHD treatment requires more research,” says Sherpa. “If you are considering taking Rhodiola rosea supplements, consult a medical professional to determine if it is suitable for your particular needs.”
May Boost Both Mental and Physical Stamina
Rhodiola is thought to have stimulating effects on the central nervous system. This in turn can help boost neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, while also increasing concentration.
Research also suggests rhodiola may boost physical stamina, which may explain the increased use of the supplement among some athletes. According to a separate sytematic review of human interventional studies, rhodiola may increase energy levels and decrease the risk of exercise fatigue. Additionally, it may reduce oxidative stress and inflammation post-exercise, which could possibly play a role in preventing muscle fatigue.
Furthermore, research is also investigating the possible effects of rhodiola supplementation for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. One previous study found that participants who were given 200 mg rhodiola extract twice daily experienced significant improvements in fatigue after eight weeks.
May Reduce Inflammation in Disease, Including Hypertension
Rhodiola is considered an adaptogen that may have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. According to another review of both human and rodent studies, such effects have been studied for potential benefits in preventing and treating cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.
And, a different review of primarily animal and in-vitro research supports rhodiola’s possible use in cardiovascular disease treatment. While more research is needed, the authors of this review cite potential benefits of rhodiola in treating hypertension, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, and more.
Weight Loss Effect of Rhodiola
While some people take rhodiola supplements with the aim of promoting physical stamina and increasing energy, whether these supplements can result in weight loss is less certain.
One study tested rhodiola as an “exercise pill” in obese mice who were fed a high-fat diet that’s known to lead to muscle dysfunction. Researchers found that rhodiola mimicked the effects of exercise by reducing the risk of muscle dysfunction that might cause weakness during physical activity. Yet no human studies have been conducted in this area, and it’s not clear whether rhodiola supplements may directly help with weight loss.
Potential Risks and Side Effects of Rhodiola
While rhodiola is considered generally safe in small doses, it’s not clear whether the supplement is completely risk free. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not regulate supplements in the same way as conventional medication prior to when they are marketed; however, the agency does monitor adverse reactions to supplements after they become available to consumers.
What we do know is rhodiola may pose a risk of mild side effects, and that it may not be safe for certain groups. Specifically, rhodiola may interact with medications or other supplements you may take.
According to MSKCC, rhodiola may interact with blood thinners and anti-seizure medications. This may also increase your risk of side effects. In addition, the group explains that taking antidepressants with rhodiola supplements may increase your risk of developing tachyarrhythmia, or rapid heartbeat.
As MHA notes, rhodiola may also interact with the following:
- Caffeine
- Antibiotics
- Anti-anxiety medications
- Antidepressants
- Birth control pills
- Diabetes medications
- Thyroid medications
Furthermore, rhodiola supplements are not recommended for children or people who are pregnant or nursing, due to a lack of safety data in these groups, per the NCCIH.
“There is also a concern that long-term use could cause hormone changes, menstrual disturbances, or irregular heartbeat,” adds Sherpa.
Side Effects
As the NCCIH notes, rhodiola may cause:
- Dizziness
- Excess saliva production
- Dry mouth
Other less common side effects, per the NCCIH, include:
- Allergic reactions
- Anxiety
- Chest pain
- High blood pressure
- Insomnia
Who Should Take Rhodiola?
Healthy adults may consider talking with a doctor about taking rhodiola as a complementary approach for stress management, boosted stamina, or enhanced physical performance. While there’s not enough concrete evidence to take rhodiola for the treatment of any medical conditions, the NCCIH says the supplement may be safe when taken for up to 12 weeks.
On the flipside, the Merck Manual does not recommend rhodiola due to a lack of human studies and possible risks for the following groups:
- People who are pregnant or nursing
- Children
- People with autoimmune disorders — examples include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis, says Best
- Anyone who takes prescription medications (such as antidepressants, blood thinners, insulin, and hypertensive drugs), as these may cause interactions
“There is not enough research on the safety of rhodiola supplements during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, so it's recommended that pregnant or breastfeeding women avoid using rhodiola,” agrees Best. She adds that the supplement may interact with medications used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, including mood stabilizers and antidepressants.
“Rhodiola may increase the risk of bleeding, so individuals with bleeding disorders or who are taking blood-thinning medications should use caution and speak with their healthcare provider before taking rhodiola supplements,” she says.
How to Choose and Store Rhodiola Supplements
Rhodiola supplements are widely available in health and wellness stores, drugstores, and online marketplaces such as Amazon. While it’s always best to get a brand recommendation from a doctor, here’s a general guideline of what to look for.
Rhodiola may be sold as capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts, according to MSKCC. You can select whatever form you prefer, but also review product labels for dosages. For example, some brands may contain 100 mg, while others might offer a larger dosage of 500 mg.
“Additionally, it's important to choose a high-quality supplement from a reputable source and to follow the recommended dosage instructions,” Best advises.
Herbal supplements in general are best stored in a cool, dry place such as a cabinet or pantry, says the American Academy of Family Physicians. Avoid storing in a room that has a lot of humidity, and keep rhodiola supplements out of reach of children and pets.
Dosage of Rhodiola
There’s no one set dosage recommendation for rhodiola supplements, per Merck Manuals. However, Merck mentions a typical dose as 144 to 200 mg, taken twice a day, may be safe for most people if they take it for 6 to 12 weeks.
“The recommended dosage of rhodiola may vary depending on the specific supplement and the intended use,” says Best. “Generally, the recommended dose of rhodiola extract is between 200 to 600 mg per day, taken in one to two divided doses.”
As the ABC explains, small to medium doses tend to have mentally stimulating effects, while larger ones may have more sedative ones.
“It's also important to note that taking more than the recommended dosage of rhodiola may increase the risk of side effects, so it's important to follow the recommended dosage and not exceed it.”
Sherpa also recommends not exceeding 200 to 600 mg per day. “Those at higher risk of side effects, such as the elderly, pregnant women, and children should check with their healthcare provider prior to taking rhodiola,” she says.
Rhodiola supplements are made from the perennial plant of the same name. While they have been used for years in parts of Europe and Asia, they are gaining popularity in the United States for a variety of potential uses. These include possible boosted stamina, increased mental functioning, and stress reduction. Nonetheless, most of these benefits are theoretical and primarily based on a combination of animal and human studies. Although reports suggest the risks of using this supplement in the short term, more studies in humans are needed for each of the purported uses for this supplement before doctors can recommend it as part of conventional care.
If you’re interested in using rhodiola supplements, ask your doctor first — especially if you’re pregnant, nursing, or taking any prescription medications. It’s not clear whether rhodiola is safe in such cases.
Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking
- Rhodiola. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. October 2020.
- Rhodiola. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
- Rhodiola Rosea: A Phytomedicinal Overview. American Botanical Council.
- Anghelesci IG, Edwards D, Seifritz E, et al. Stress Management and the Role of Rhodiola rosea: A Review. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. January 2018.
- Stocheva EI and Quintela JC. The Effectiveness of Rhodiola rosea L. Preparations in Alleviating Various Aspects of Life-Stress Symptoms and Stress Induced Conditions: Encouraging Clinical Evidence. Molecules. June 2022.
- Rhodiola Rosea. Mental Health America.
- Yu L, Deng B, Xu L, et al. Effects of Rhodiola Rosea Supplementation on Exercise and Sport: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Nutrition. April 2022.
- Lekomtseva Y, Zhukova I, Wacker A. Rhodiola rosea in Subjects with Prolonged or Chronic Fatigue Symptoms: Results of an Open-Label Clinical Trial. Complementary Medicine Research. February 2017.
- Wei-ling P, Meng-ying Z, Ru-yu B, et al. Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Rhodiola rosea L: A Review. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. January 2020.
- Chen Y, Tang M, Yuan S, et al. Rhodiola rosea: A Therapeutic Candidate on Cardiovascular Diseases. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. February 2022.
- You B, Dun Y, Fu S, et al. The Treatment of Rhodiola Mimics Exercise to Resist High-Fat Diet-Induced Muscle Dysfunction via Sirtuin1-Dependent Mechanisms. Frontiers in Pharmacology. April 2021.
- Dietary Supplements. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. March 6, 2023.
- Rhodiola. Merck Manual. September 2022.
- Herbal Health Products and Supplements. American Academy of Family Physicians. June 16, 2022.