How to Avoid 9 Summer Health Hazards, According to Experts
With warmer weather comes an increased risk of sun exposure, heatstroke, and water-related injuries, among other potential health harms. Here’s how you can prevent these issues and others.

Consider designating a “water watcher” to keep an eye on kids around pools and other bodies of water.
Summer brings longer days, summer Fridays, and weekend getaways. It’s time to get outside, hit the beach, and go on that camping trip you’ve been putting off because of uncooperative weather.
But just because flu season, the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and winter weather risks are behind us for now doesn’t mean you can let your guard down when it comes to health. The summer season and rising temperatures come with plenty of health risks, too.
“That whole ‘school’s out’ mentality continues through adulthood, with patients more likely to cut corners when it comes to health during the summertime,” says Nitin A. Kapur, MD, a primary care physician with Cedars-Sinai Medical Network in Santa Monica, California. “It’s still important for people to be conscientious and aware,” he adds, even while summer fun is the season’s top priority.
Here, experts share the most common summer health hazards, symptoms to look for, and how to prevent them — so you can stay safe and healthy all summer long.
Heatstroke and Heat Exhaustion — Limit Strenuous Outdoor Activity

When temperatures reach sweltering levels, it’s not just uncomfortable — it’s also dangerous and potentially deadly. Extreme heat sends more than 65,000 Americans to the emergency room annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Heat exhaustion and heatstroke, the two most severe heat-related illnesses, can occur when the body is unable to properly cool down after prolonged exposure to excessive heat (such as working or exercising outdoors). Heatstroke is a more severe case of heat exhaustion, Dr. Kapur says, but both require emergency medical attention, per the CDC. The good news? They’re preventable.
Prevent It
Kim Knowlton, PhD, assistant professor of environmental health sciences at Columbia University in New York City, advises people to slow down and adjust their work and activity schedules to keep cool during midday, when the sun tends to be the strongest.
Dr. Knowlton recommends checking on friends and neighbors to make sure they’re okay. This is especially important in the case of infants and young children, pregnant women, and elderly adults, who are at a higher risk of heat-related illness. People with certain medical conditions (such as heart disease, mental illness, poor circulation, obesity, and overweight) are also more susceptible. The CDC says these groups should stay in air-conditioned places as much as possible. If you don’t have access to AC, ask your local health department about heat-relief options in your area, or check your state’s Department of Health website to find a nearby cooling center, which is a designated building that offers relief from the heat.
Above all, be on guard, says Knowlton, who studies the impacts of climate change on public health. “If you start feeling sick, take the heat seriously.”
Here are some symptoms of heat-related illness to look out for, according to the CDC:
- A body temperature of 103 degrees F or higher
- Hot, red, dry, or damp skin
- A fast pulse
- Headache, dizziness
- Confusion, irritability, slurred speech
- Loss of consciousness
- Heavy sweating
- Cold, pale, clammy skin
- Nausea or vomiting
- Muscle cramps
Mild and Severe Dehydration — Don’t Skimp on Water Intake

We hear it all the time: Drink more water. But when you’re out soaking up the sun, sipping summery cocktails, or playing sports, it’s even more important to make drinking water a priority. Skip it for too long and you could face dehydration, which can range from mild to severe, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The side effects of mild to moderate dehydration include thirst, a dry or sticky mouth, dry skin, headaches, muscle cramps, and dark yellow urine or less urine in general. More severe side effects to watch for include rapid heart rate and breathing, irritability, confusion, dizziness, listlessness, sunken eyes, shriveled skin, delirium, and unconsciousness.
Prevent It
Simply put, drink lots of water throughout the day, especially when spending time outdoors in the sun. Kapur tells patients who plan to be lounging outside to aim for 16 ounces (oz) of water every hour, and to consider dialing back strenuous activity between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun is strongest. And if you’re exerting yourself in the heat, increase that amount to 24 to 32 oz of water per hour — but spread it out, if you can, so that you’re drinking about 1 cup (8 oz) of water every 15 to 20 minutes.
Sunburn and Sun Damage — Make Applying Sunscreen a Daily Habit

Long, sunny days are one of the best parts of summer, but they can be a danger to the body’s largest organ: its skin. Venture out too long without sunscreen and you’re not just risking a painful sunburn — you’re increasing your chances of developing skin cancer, the most common kind of cancer in the United States, as the Skin Cancer Foundation notes. Plus, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can increase the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sunspots, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — as if you needed another reason not to skimp on the sunscreen.
Prevent It
Again, limit your time in the sun and choose a shady spot whenever possible, says Kapur. Most important, make sunscreen a daily habit, whether the sun is shining or not. Even cloudy days carry a risk of UV exposure, per the CDC. Choose a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen that’s SPF 30 or higher, and reapply it at least every two hours, advises the American Academy of Dermatology.
Areas to apply sunscreen that are commonly overlooked? The scalp, ears, front and back of the neck, chest, backs of knees, and tops of feet, says Natasha Mesinkovska, MD, vice chair of clinical research for the department of dermatology at the School of Medicine at the University of California in Irvine. Once you’ve properly applied sunscreen, don’t forget to don sunglasses. They’re for more than style: UVA and UVB rays can also damage eyes.
Water-Related Injuries — Practice Safe and Supervised Swimming

Nothing says summer like a pool day or a visit to the beach. But swimming has plenty of dangers, from infections to diving injuries and even drowning, which is the leading cause of unintentional injury death among children ages 1 to 4, according to the CDC. Cellphones may be adding to the problem, suggests the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute: With more adults scrolling on devices, they may be distracted from keeping as close an eye on kids while they’re in the water. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute suggests having one adult be the “designated water watcher,” similar to a designated driver.
Prevent It
Consider these tips from the American Red Cross for safe swimming setups, especially at pools:
- Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards.
- Swim with a buddy; do not allow anyone to swim alone.
- Don’t leave young children unattended or without adult supervision near water.
- Avoid distractions when supervising children around water. (Consider appointing a “water watcher,” whose only responsibility is to keep an eye on children while swimming.)
- Have children or inexperienced swimmers wear life jackets — not water wings or inflatable toys — but do not solely rely on them.
- If a child is missing, check the water first. Every second is important in preventing death or disability.
- Secure home pools with barriers to the water when not in use.
- Store reaching or throwing equipment, life jackets, and a first-aid kit near home pools.
Meanwhile, the CDC recommends avoiding swallowing water while in the pool, and drying your ears after you get out of the pool, to prevent swimming-related illnesses caused by germs. Additionally, if you find yourself predisposed to swimmer’s ear (an infection of the outer canal of the ear, per the CDC), try wearing earplugs when taking a dip, suggests Kapur.
Insect Bites and the Spread of Diseases — Be Mindful of Yourself and Your Surroundings

When traipsing along hiking trails and exploring the outdoors, stay mindful of insect bites, which “are not only annoying but also can transmit serious illnesses,” says Knowlton. Be especially wary of ticks and mosquitoes — per the CDC, mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as West Nile virus and dengue fever, and ticks can spread up to 16 different infectious illnesses, including Lyme disease.
Prevent It
Use insect repellent even on short hikes, says Kapur. If you can, even in the heat, wear long sleeves and pants and tuck your socks into pants, Knowlton adds. (Opt for loose-fitting, moisture-wicking, light-colored fabrics to prevent overheating, advises the Cleveland Clinic.) Also, be sure to check yourself for ticks after outdoor activities — and make sure your friends, family, and pets are in the clear, too.
The CDC also suggests staying in the center of trails when going on a hike and avoiding areas with tall grass, as well as treating clothes with products that contain 0.5 percent permethrin, an antiparasitic medication that also acts as an insect repellent. If you’re camping, consider pretreating your tent or hammock with repellent as well. If you’re worried you’ve been in a tick-infested area, the CDC also advises bathing or showering within two hours of returning from an outing and washing clothes in hot water — and drying them on high heat, too.
You can reference this guide to common insect bites to help identify what may have bitten you and how to treat it.
Allergies and Poison Ivy — Prevent Exposure

When it comes to allergies, we typically think of spring, but rising temperatures and longer warm seasons increase pollen production and are extending allergy season, according to Knowlton. And pollen settling onto surfaces we touch, like picnic blankets or patio furniture, can also set off an allergic skin reaction, or contact dermatitis, points out Kapur.
Another common allergen to look out for when spending summer hours outdoors? Poison ivy, which grows in most areas of the United States. You don’t even have to directly touch the toxic oil of a poison ivy plant for it to cause itching, rashes, and blisters; it can be transmitted via sports equipment or camping gear, pet fur, and clothing, according to the American Skin Association.
Prevent It
Check pollen counts in your area at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology website. To keep your home pollen-free, Knowlton suggests using a damp cloth to remove pollen from hair and skin or showering right after coming in from the outdoors, as well as washing outdoor clothes and bedding to remove pollen that has settled there, and vacuuming regularly. For poison ivy, wearing long pants and long sleeves when hiking or entering an area where the plant might be present is the best way to avoid this troublesome summertime rash.
Food Safety — Be Cautious of Spoiled or Undercooked Food

Who doesn’t love dining al fresco? Whether grilling or picnicking, though, take a second to consider how long your feast has been sitting out unrefrigerated, or if what’s hot off the grill is truly cooked through. “We forget that mayo on tuna salad really needs to be refrigerated, as well as how long our food’s been sitting in the car or outside in the sun,” says Kapur, who has seen plenty of picnickers come in for gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Prevent It
A rule of thumb from the FDA: Don’t let food sit out at between 40 and 140 degrees F for more than two hours at a time, as this provides the perfect “danger zone” for foodborne bacteria to multiply. (And if outdoor temperatures are above 90 degrees F, that timeframe drops to one hour.) Store cold food below 40 degrees F until it’s ready to eat. Toss foods that have been in the danger zone for too long — it’s not worth the risk.
You can also separate beverage and food coolers to limit the number of times you need to open the food cooler, which will help keep the food cooler for longer. Make sure to close coolers tightly after opening.
The CDC recommends practicing safe grilling by refrigerating and separating poultry and seafood from other foods to prevent cross-contamination, washing your hands often while handling food, cleaning your grill and tools before and after each use, and thoroughly cooking meat. A meat thermometer can help you figure out when your meat has reached a safe internal temperature.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases — Aim for a Summer of (Safe) Love

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of summer lovin’, but if you aren’t careful, you might carry a painful reminder of a seasonal tryst with you long after Labor Day. In 2019, the CDC reported sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STDs) reached an all-time high for the sixth year in a row.
The three most commonly reported STDs are chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. According to the CDC, the three groups most at risk of contracting these and other STDs are members of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community; gay and bisexual men; and people ages 15 to 24.
Prevent It
Planned Parenthood offers these tips on how to have safer sex:
- Wear protection. With the 2022 release of FDA-cleared underwear designed for oral sex and condoms created for anal sex, in addition to latex male condoms, female condoms, dental dams, and latex or nitrile gloves, there are more kinds of protective barriers available than ever before. If used correctly and consistently, barriers can reduce your risk of getting chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and other STDs.
- Get tested. Most of us are used to COVID tests by now, but when was the last time you tested your sexual health? Before getting physical with a new partner, confirm that you each have a clean bill of health by getting an STD test, since many STDs show no symptoms. Planned Parenthood offers a location-based search function on their website to help you locate care.
- Avoid sharing sexual fluids. There are plenty of pleasurable sexual activities that don’t involve penetration. To lower your risk of STDs, consider putting mutual masturbation, massages, or sex toys into your summer of love rotation.
Barefoot Accidents and Injuries — Protect Your Feet

Feeling the grass between your toes or walking barefoot on the beach is a mood-boosting summer treat, but going shoeless can expose your digits to a host of injuries. Puncture wounds can happen if you step on a sharp object like glass, nails, or even seashells. Walking barefoot on a hot surface can cause burns, and walking barefoot on a damp surface exposes the feet to fungal infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot. And for those tempted to run a lawnmower barefoot, know that mechanical accidents can cause major damage.
Prevent It
In general, covering your feet when possible will be your best line of defense. But the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) points out that not all footwear is equal and different situations require different shoes.
- Sandals are good in locker rooms, at the pool, and even in hotel rooms. They help limit the likelihood of contracting a fungal infection like athlete’s foot or a viral infection like plantar warts. Look for a pair that’s received the APMA Seal of Acceptance, don’t rewear them year after year, and avoid walking long distances in them.
- Use water shoes or sneakers at the beach, lake, or river — for hiking and outdoor recreation. Just be sure they are completely dry before you put them back on again next time.
- Wear sneakers or work boots during yard work. This is especially important when using a lawnmower.
If you’re managing diabetes, the CDC recommends never going barefoot, not even inside, because poor circulation in the feet puts you at a higher risk of foot problems. But if you have to let your feet be free, at least follow the recommendation of John Hopkins Medicine and inspect your feet daily for sores, irritation, and puncture wounds, and wash and dry them thoroughly.
Additional reporting by Claire Young.