The 8 Best Things Dads Can Do for Themselves in Honor of Father’s Day
Men’s health and self-care takes the spotlight this June as part of Men’s Health Awareness Month.

There are plenty of healthful ways to celebrate Father's Day, especially when dads put themselves first.
Every dad knows that Father’s Day is the one day a year where dad gets to put himself first. After receiving the obligatory tie and cologne gifts, dad usually has a little more input in where he wants to go, what he wants to do, and what he would like to eat for dinner on his special day.
This year, Father’s Day can serve as a valuable reminder on the importance of self-care. Practicing self-care has become an essential part of a man’s tool box when it comes to looking after physical and mental health in order to be a better father, better partner, and even a better boss. Here are a few ideas for healthy activities to incorporate into your life that will help add self-care to your daily priorities for Father’s Day and beyond.
Book an Appointment With Your Doctor and Get a Checkup

Nothing says self-care more clearly than visiting your doctor and getting an annual physical for your — and your family’s — peace of mind. Men make half as many visits per year to their primary care physician compared with women, according to Salvatore J. Giorgianni Jr., PharmD, senior science advisor to Men’s Health Network (MHN). Getting simple screenings for cardiovascular health, high blood pressure, and age-appropriate cancers can help provide treatment for potentially fatal conditions that are very manageable, if not preventable, when detected early enough. “It’s time for men to take a page out of the women’s health playbook and take responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones,” says Dr. Giorgianni. Consider telemedicine options, which have expanded in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Don’t have an internist? Check with your insurer to find a physician in your area; speak with family and friends about who they see; or try sites such as Zocdoc that allow you to search for a provider by health insurance.
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Find a Physical Activity You Enjoy

Between work and family responsibilities, it’s easy to balance your time budget by withdrawing from your time allotted for exercise. Over time, however, giving yourself even a few minutes each day to enjoy moving creates a world of benefits in other parts of your life. Exercise helps you sharpen your focus and sleep better. It also releases endorphins, hormones that make you feel good. A review published in the Journal of Happiness Studies in March 2018 showed that people who work out as little as once a week or for just 10 minutes per day felt much happier than people who skip exercise altogether. Once social distancing becomes less important, and things are safer, try to include friends. Research published in in December 2016 in Scientific Reports showed that “social connectedness while exercising contributes to exercise adherence.”
Something as simple as walking is powerful. Regular walking helps reduce risk for heart disease in men, according to research published in Obesity Review.
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Find or Develop Your Hobby

Ask any man who has waded into a river with a fly-fishing rod: All men need an activity that stokes their passion. With age, it gets tougher to balance the time you spend on your hobby with family life and work life. Give yourself a chance to reclaim some of that hobby time for your own health. According to research published in February 2015 in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, people who engage in a recreational activity reported having a more positive mood, less stress, and a lower heart rate compared with people who did not pursue a recreational pastime.
What’s more, research published in January 2016 in the BMC Public Health Journal revealed that people who engaged in creative hobbies or the arts for 100 hours per year (about two hours per week) reported significantly better emotional health than those who did not. Whether it’s a new hobby you pick up later in life, such as tennis, wine tasting, or painting, or an old hobby you had as a child, such as collecting baseball cards or raising tropical fish, hobbies are also a sure way to make new friends and build a social network for yourself.
Tune In Music, Tune Out Social Media

We all know the joy of checking in on our social media platforms to discover one more like, share, or retweet. But make no mistake: Getting locked in a never-ending loop of news can wreak havoc on your mental health. Replacing some of your social media time with listening to music is a simple way to drastically improve your self-care routine and boost your mental health and mood.
According to research published in April 2019 in the Health Psychology Review, music interventions have a significant effect on stress reduction in terms of physiological and psychological markers. Heart rate and blood pressure were reduced; feelings of well-being were enhanced. Streaming services can provide you access to much of the favorite music of your youth as well as your kids’ favorite modern artists.
RELATED: Stress Hack: Music Therapy Helps Relieve Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Symptoms
Cook Yourself a Nice Meal

Now more than ever, men are taking to the kitchen as a means to not only disengage from the news and work life, but to unleash their creativity as well. According to data published in the BMC Nutrition Journal in April 2018, the number of college-educated men who cooked increased from almost 39 percent in 2003 to nearly 52 percent in 2016. And, according to research published in the International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, cooking helps improve well-being and is associated with life satisfaction. Try starting with a meal that you enjoy, and experiment with a few different recipes to explore the version you like the most. As summer approaches, take it outside and expand your repertoire on the grill as well. Sites such as contain thousands of free recipes for every type of food you can imagine to help get you started.
Tap Into Mindfulness or Meditation

Though mindfulness and meditation have become buzzwords for Silicon Valley businessmen who are trying to become more productive, there are far greater benefits to your physical and mental health. Developing a mindful meditation practice can help reduce stress, lessen the symptoms of depression and anxiety, and help improve the thing every dad in the world wants: better sleep.
Research published in April 2015 in JAMA Internal Medicine revealed that meditation helps reduce stress, manage anxiety, and may even help address addiction. What’s more, researchers also found that mindful meditation appears to play a role in overcoming "moderate sleep disturbances and deficits in daytime functioning,” which will allow you to feel more alert throughout the day. Free trials from subscription apps can help you get started with short guided meditations to help you develop your own practice. Headspace even offers a free year of access to the app for people who are unemployed or furloughed.
Make Time for Friends, Maintain Friendships

Family life and responsibilities tend to reduce the amount of time available to see friends. Many scientists now believe that healthy friendships are key to making aging more rewarding. Research published in April 2017 in the journal Personal Relationships found that “valuing friendships was related to better functioning, particularly among older adults, whereas valuing familial relationships exerted a static influence on health and well‐being across the lifespan.”
And research published in PLOS Medicinefound that social relationships improve mortality risk. Compared with subjects without strong connections, those with strong social relationships had a 50 percent increased likelihood of survival. So the next time you decide to do trivia night or watch the ballgame with your buddies, remember, it’s for your health!
Watch Comedies With Your Family

Over the last several decades, study after study has shown the enormous health benefits of laughter: It helps lower blood pressure, eases stress; some research even suggests that laughter can help you burn calories. When you’re laughing, you're increasing your oxygen intake, which helps your heart, lungs, and muscles. Plus, you're releasing endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can ease tension and improve your sense of well-being. Watching comedies at home, especially when outdoor activities have become limited due to COVID-19 concerns, can be the perfect group activity that is both self care for yourself and quality time with your entire family. Netflix is an excellent source of classic comedy films and series, as well as dozens of stand-up comedy specials.