How Having Narcolepsy Affects Going to School and Learning

One of the common symptoms of narcolepsy is excessive daytime sleepiness, and while this can interfere with daily function in anyone who’s affected, it can significantly impact students. For adolescents and young adults with narcolepsy, being unable to stay awake at school poses a serious challenge that can impede learning.
“The age of onset of narcolepsy is usually adolescence, and it’s really a problem if kids don’t get treated,” says Thomas Roth, PhD, director of the Sleep Disorders and Research Center at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. The disorder itself doesn’t affect intelligence, he notes. “But it will certainly affect your ability to learn if you’re not treated properly.”
Why an Accurate Narcolepsy Diagnosis Is So Important
Kids with narcolepsy can go to school just like their peers, according to sleep-medicine specialist Richard Castriotta, MD, a professor of clinical medicine at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles. The biggest hurdle is making sure students are diagnosed properly, he says, and many physicians are not trained to pick up on the sleep disorder.
“Sometimes [children] are diagnosed as having ADD [attention deficit disorder] or ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder], or are not diagnosed with anything at all, or people think they are lazy because they are always sleepy,” Dr. Castriotta says.
Getting an accurate narcolepsy diagnosis requires going to a sleep lab and undergoing a round of tests, according to Castriotta. But there are a few warning signs to look for in your student.
Watch out for “sleep attacks,” which is a sudden bout of overwhelming sleepiness that comes on quickly, regardless of how much the child has slept.
Having hallucinations right as they fall asleep or wake up is another symptom of narcolepsy, as is cataplexy, says Sudha Tallavajhula, MD, an associate professor of neurology at McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center and the medical director of the Neurological Sleep Medicine Center at TIRR Memorial Hermann in Houston.
If you see these symptoms in your child, you should have them evaluated by a sleep medicine specialist.
The Role of Narcolepsy Treatment and Prioritizing Sleep When It Comes to School Success
Once a student gets the right diagnosis, the key to minimizing the disruption that narcolepsy brings to their daily life and education is to establish a treatment plan.
It’s common for children to have packed schedules — thanks to extracurricular activities, family obligations, schoolwork, and more — and sleep, unfortunately, is often sacrificed, says Dr. Roth. But for children with narcolepsy, cutting corners when it comes to proper rest is particularly dangerous, he adds.
“The most important thing is to be very protective of sleep loss,” Roth says. Students should maintain a rigid sleep schedule and not skimp on sleep to study for a big exam.
Other adjustments that can help students with narcolepsy include:
- Keeping a regular sleep schedule (going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including on weekends)
- Getting regular exercise, including exercise breaks, which can boost alertness
- Limiting after-school activities to schedule adequate time for rest
Communication Between Teachers, Parents, and Students With Narcolepsy Is Important
Often, a teacher may be the first to notice that a student is having trouble staying awake in school or not keeping up with assignments, but they may assume the child or young adult is not sleeping enough at night. Likewise, parents may not realize that their child is falling asleep in class. This is why good communication can play an integral role in diagnosing narcolepsy.
Similarly, treatment and management of narcolepsy requires open and regular communication and teamwork among the child’s parents and other adults in their life. That’s why, in addition to proper treatment and following narcolepsy-healthy lifestyle habits, it’s important for parents to work with a child’s teachers, administrators, coaches, and aides to make sure the student’s needs are being met and stay up to date on any new problems the child may be facing.
This open line of communication can help keep everyone on the same page, manage expectations, and reduce stress, Castriotta notes.
What’s more, kids who feel they’re about to nod off in class can feel empowered to manage their condition without fear of being reprimanded.
- 504 Plan A 504 plan outlines specific accommodations or modifications a student with a physical disability or medical condition may need. It also offers guidance on how each teacher should work with that student to accommodate them. These plans are typically developed by school staff and parents and reviewed at least once a year. They can be applied all the way through postsecondary education, notes the Narcolepsy Network.
- IEP An individual education plan (IEP) outlines how needed accommodations and individualized education for children with learning disabilities will be provided. Teachers, school staff, and parents put together the plan, which requires an assessment by a licensed school psychologist, according to Wake Up Narcolepsy. (It should also include transition planning but is not available after high school.)
Some accommodations that might help a child with narcolepsy manage the condition and keep up with their studies — either as part of a 504 plan or IEP or simply arranged with the child’s school — include:
- Getting note-taking assistance or a backup note taker, so if a bout of extreme sleepiness occurs during class, the student has a record of what was missed
- Recording lectures
- Scheduling classes around when the student is most alert
- Scheduling naps
- Adjusting or negotiating deadlines (Concentrating for long periods of time can be especially challenging for people with narcolepsy, says Roth.)
- Allowing the student to stand up during class to walk around to help maintain alertness (Remaining sedentary for too long can decrease alertness in people with narcolepsy.)
- Giving the student extra time or active breaks during exams
Tips for Navigating College Successfully if You Have Narcolepsy
College students with narcolepsy will also face some challenges, but with the right treatment and management strategies, they can successfully navigate this milestone. Here are a few tips that may be helpful for college students with narcolepsy:
- Be mindful of the negative effects of long nights spent partying and drinking. Alcohol disrupts sleep, which can exacerbate narcolepsy symptoms the following day. Plus, staying up significantly later than usual can disrupt your regular sleep schedule and worsen narcolepsy symptoms.
- Prioritize sleep. It’s not just long nights spent socializing that disrupt sleep. Pulling a late night or all-nighter to study for an exam or finish a project can also wreak havoc on your sleep schedule and incite narcolepsy symptoms. College-age students must protect their sleep and get between seven and eight hours every day, Castriotta says.
- Set aside time for naps. Scheduling classes so there is time to take a midafternoon nap may help, Castriotta adds.
- Find a sleep medicine specialist near campus. If you’re attending a college far from home, consider finding a sleep specialist near your school in case your symptoms worsen or change. “Staying with your current doctor is fine if your narcolepsy has been stable for a while without medication changes,” Castriotta says. “But if problems crop up, such as new symptoms, increased fatigue, or irritability, it may be helpful to also have a doctor close to school.”
More Resources for Students With Narcolepsy
Joining a narcolepsy support group can be a tremendous resource for people with the condition — as well as their parents and loved ones — to better understand how others deal with the same challenges, says Roth. The Narcolepsy Network and Wake Up Narcolepsy are two organizations that have several groups in different locations across the United States.
Both organizations also offer several resources for students with narcolepsy, including information on:
- Standardized test accommodations
- Getting a 504 plan
- Clinical trial opportunities
- Events for deeper involvement and to spread awareness
- Referrals for sleep centers and specialists
- Driving laws in each state
- Where to find support groups
Finally, keep in mind that students of all ages with narcolepsy can do well in school with the right diagnosis, lifestyle adjustments, medication, and support. While it is a condition that cannot be cured, many people can successfully manage their condition, particularly if the disease is caught early.
With additional reporting by Sari Harrar.
Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking
- Narcolepsy. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. March 16, 2020.
- Narcolepsy. National Sleep Foundation. September 11, 2020.
- Barateau L, Dauvilliers Y. Recent Advances In Treatment for Narcolepsy. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders. September 26, 2019.
- Living With Narcolepsy at School. Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School. February 21, 2018.
- For Students. The Narcolepsy Network.
- ADAAA and Section 504: Understanding Section 504. National Center for Learning Disabilities.
- Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). National Center for Learning Disabilities.
- Narcolepsy Treatment. National Sleep Foundation. September 11, 2020.
- High School With Narcolepsy. The Narcolepsy Network.
- School Accommodations for Students with Narcolepsy. Narcolepsy Network. 2019.
- 504 vs. IEP: What Does Your Child Need. Wake Up Narcolepsy.
- Barker EC, FlygareJ, Paruthi S, Sharkey KM. Living With Narcolepsy: Current Management Strategies, Future Prospects, and Overlooked Real-Life Concerns. Nature and Science of Sleep. July 16, 2020.