Ulcerative Colitis
From the latest ulcerative colitis news, treatments and therapies, inspiring patient stories, to expert advice, we're here to help you live your healthiest life every day.
How Well Is Your UC Treatment Working?
Ulcerative colitis medications can help reduce inflammation and ease your symptoms. Take this quiz to determine if your treatment is working or it’s time to work with your doctor to modify your regimen.
By Jen LaskeyMay 04, 2023
How Much Is Ulcerative Colitis Affecting Your Life?
It’s not unusual for ulcerative colitis to interfere with your daily routine and social plans. But how do you know when UC is truly interrupting your lifestyle and if things can get better? Take this quiz to find out.
By Erica PatinoApril 27, 2023
What’s a Sigmoidoscopy? All About Testing and Diagnosis
One alternative to a colonoscopy is a procedure known as a sigmoidoscopy. It tends to be quicker and involves simpler preparations, but it’s not appropriate for everyone with UC.
By Quinn PhillipsApril 18, 2023
Sexual Health and Ulcerative Colitis: How to Talk to Your Doctor
Doctors can treat many of the sexual problems that are related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease — if you speak up first.
By Matt SeidholzApril 05, 2023
Fecal Transplant for Ulcerative Colitis: Does It Work?
Fecal transplants may have potential as an ulcerative colitis treatment, but people who want to try them have to go the DIY route. Learn about the risks.
By Madeline R. Vann, MPHMarch 29, 2023
Why You Should Consider Juicing If You Have Ulcerative Colitis
Juices can provide you with some much-needed vitamins and minerals, especially during an ulcerative colitis flare.
By Jessica MigalaMarch 23, 2023
How I ‘Adult’ With Ulcerative Colitis
If you’re a young adult with IBD (Crohn’s or UC), use these tips to transition from pediatric care to adult care and manage the disease at college.
By Jessica MigalaMarch 23, 2023
How Aerobic Exercise Can Ease Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms
Moderate amounts of aerobic exercise can help alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis.
By Ajai RajMarch 22, 2023
New Guidelines Recommend Stool and Blood Tests to Monitor Ulcerative Colitis
When monitoring ulcerative colitis, blood and stool biomarker tests should be done first before jumping to endoscopy, according to new guidelines.
By Don RaufFebruary 24, 2023
Plant-Based Ulcerative Colitis Treatment Works in Preliminary Study
A combination of the herbal compounds curcumin and qingdai may help patients with active ulcerative colitis, preliminary results from a new study suggest.
By Lisa RapaportJanuary 24, 2023
9 Healthy Foods for Ulcerative Colitis
The right ulcerative colitis diet varies from person to person. But these nutrient rich foods can form a healthy foundation.
By Diana RodriguezNovember 09, 2022
What to Eat for Breakfast if You Have Ulcerative Colitis
People with ulcerative colitis can experience nausea, vomiting, and urgency when they wake up. Here are five breakfast ideas that won’t aggravate their symptoms.
By Tami SwartzNovember 09, 2022
How to Ease Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms During a Flare
Abdominal pain and diarrhea are just two of the unpleasant symptoms that can occur during an ulcerative colitis flare. Here’s what you can do to ease the discomfort.
By Marie SuszynskiNovember 09, 2022
5 IBD-Friendly Treats to Enjoy This Halloween
Don’t let IBD spook you away from Halloween fun. These festive gut-friendly treats are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth without provoking IBD symptoms.
By Rachel Dyckman, RDNOctober 13, 2022
How to Protect Against Blood Clots if You Have Ulcerative Colitis
People with inflammatory bowel disease, like ulcerative colitis, are two to three times as likely to develop blood clots as those without IBD. Here’s how to protect yourself.
By Jessica MigalaOctober 12, 2022
5 Natural Ways to Manage Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms
Natural remedies for ulcerative colitis can help manage the disease and reduce flares. Try these expert tips for exercise, diet, and stress reduction.
By Diana RodriguezOctober 03, 2022
Love and Dating With Ulcerative Colitis
If you have ulcerative colitis, you may be hesitant to start a new relationship. This dating advice can help.
By Colleen de BellefondsAugust 17, 2022
Managing Your Ulcerative Colitis on Vacation
Don’t let your UC halt your travel plans.
By Blake MillerAugust 17, 2022
Summer Travel Tips for Those With Ulcerative Colitis
Summer travel with ulcerative colitis doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are some tips to help your trip go smoothly.
By Rachel Dyckman, RDNAugust 15, 2022
IBD-Friendly Produce to Eat This Summer
Fruits and vegetables are an important component of a nutritious diet, but for those living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), eating more fruits and vegetables isn’t always so straightforward. Here's what you need to know before shopping at the farmer's market.
By Rachel Dyckman, RDNAugust 10, 2022