What Is the Anti-Inflammatory Diet? A Detailed Beginner’s Guide

Before you can fully grasp why an anti-inflammatory diet may be helpful and is one of the most buzzed-about diets right now, it helps to understand what inflammation is in the first place. When you hear the word “inflammation,” you may immediately think about the swelling or redness that comes from stubbing your toe. Those are definitely two external signs of inflammation, but there’s more to it.
Inflammation happens naturally as part of the body’s immune response. When your body is fighting an infection or injury, it sends inflammatory cells to the rescue. This results in those classic signs — swelling, redness, and sometimes pain. That’s completely normal and natural, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
As long as the body stays in control, that is. The story changes when inflammation lingers and never fully goes away, the clinic notes. This chronic inflammation means your body is always in a state of high alert, and it can contribute to your risk of health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer.
Fortunately, you can change your diet and lifestyle to reduce inflammation. Factors like smoking and drinking excessively increase inflammation, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Diet also plays a role, and some experts say adjusting the foods and drinks you consume could be a better route to lowering inflammation levels than relying on medication, according to Harvard Health Publishing. It's also probably a good idea to take medication for chronic pain only when necessary, because many drugs come with unpleasant side effects, like fogginess, sleepiness, and memory loss, per Cleveland Clinic.
Are you interested in learning which foods make up the anti-inflammatory diet and how it may help you ward off certain diseases? Read on.
Common Questions & Answers
How Does the Anti-Inflammatory Diet Work?
There isn’t a formal diet plan that outlines exactly what to eat, how much of it, and when. Rather, the anti-inflammatory diet is about filling your meals with foods that have been shown to fight inflammation and — just as important — cutting out foods that have been shown to contribute to it, per the Cleveland Clinic.
Brittany Scanniello, RD, the founder of Eat Simply Nutrition in Boulder, Colorado, says to think of the anti-inflammatory diet as a lifestyle rather than a strict eating approach. “An anti-inflammatory diet is an eating plan that works to reduce or minimize low-grade inflammation within our bodies,” she says.
Ideally, you would eat eight to nine servings of fruits and veggies per day, limit your intake of red meat and dairy, choose complex carbohydrates over simple ones, and swear off processed foods, per the Cleveland Clinic.
You’ll want to choose foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids rather than omega-6 fatty acids, research shows. Omega-3s are found in fish, nuts, seeds, and plant oils, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Scanniello says eating this way is a good idea for everyone because many of the foods with the potential to lead to inflammation aren’t healthy anyway. “I believe everyone can benefit from limiting or eliminating sugar and highly processed foods and choosing unsaturated fats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins,” Scanniello says.
She says an anti-inflammatory diet could be especially helpful for someone who’s dealing with chronic inflammation as a result of a health condition. Athletes and people who exercise at a high intensity and are looking to lessen their baseline inflammation could also find it beneficial, she says.
Types of Anti-Inflammatory Diet
As mentioned, there isn’t one formal anti-inflammatory diet plan. But there are a few popular diets that fall under the anti-inflammatory umbrella.
Mediterranean Diet
Even if you’re unfamiliar with the anti-inflammatory diet, chances are you’ve heard of the very popular Mediterranean diet. It emphasizes healthy fat, plant-based foods, veggies, fruit, and whole grains, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants combat inflammation.
The DASH diet is short for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and is designed to help people avoid high blood pressure, according to the Mayo Clinic. It focuses on many of the same foods as the Mediterranean diet and also limits sodium to 2,300 milligrams (mg) a day.
The MIND diet, which stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, is a mash-up of the Mediterranean and DASH diets. According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, it prioritizes brain-healthy foods, many of which also fall on the anti-inflammatory foods list below.
Potential Health Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
There’s plenty of research showing the negative effects of inflammation — in fact, chronic inflammatory diseases are the most significant cause of death in the world, according to StatPearls.
Per that research, inflammation is associated with health issues such as:
- Heart disorders
- Arthritis and joint diseases
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Allergies
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Inflammation has also been linked with an increased risk of colorectal cancer, with those eating pro-inflammatory foods (such as refined carbohydrates and red meat) at twice the risk of developing the cancer, according to a study in the June 2019 issue of Nutrients. What’s more, a pro-inflammatory diet seems to increase the risk of mortality overall by 23 percent, according to a meta-analysis in Clinical Nutrition, also from 2019.
Here are some of the specific health benefits associated with anti-inflammatory diets:
- Improved cancer outcomes, per a small prospective cohort study involving participants with colorectal cancer and another study that suggests this way of eating is associated with a reduced premature death risk in smokers
- Recovery in athletic training, per one study
- Management of pain associated with aging, according to the Cleveland Clinic
- Heart protection, in a Journal of Nutrition study
- Improved quality of life for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), per an article
- Eased rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms and reduced reliance on RA medication, according to one study
- Delaying neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, per a review
Can the Anti-Inflammatory Diet Lead to Weight Loss?
For most people, weight loss isn’t the primary objective in following an anti-inflammatory diet, but the diet’s healthy foods can help in that respect.
“The anti-inflammatory diet may not result in immediate weight loss, but the elimination of processed foods, added sugar, and increased fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will result in improved overall wellness,” Scanniello says.
The Mediterranean diet, a type of anti-inflammatory diet, has been shown to have weight loss results similar to those of other diets, such as a low-carb plan, according to a systematic review.
A study in the November 2020 issue of Nutrients looked specifically at the anti-inflammatory diet and concluded it could help younger adults manage obesity. After six months, the participants lost about 7 percent of their body weight, but they also reduced their caloric intake.
It's important to keep an eye on calories if weight loss is your goal. Because this diet is relatively flexible and calories aren’t restricted, it is possible to gain weight if you don’t pay attention to portion size, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Are There Any Disadvantages to the Anti-Inflammatory Diet?
There are no major downsides associated with the anti-inflammatory diet — though there may be a learning curve to master which inflammation-fighting foods to eat and which foods to avoid.
If your diet is currently filled with processed foods, meat, and dairy, you may have a bit of an adjustment period. You’ll want to clear your fridge and pantry of potentially inflammatory foods, and you’ll likely need to devote more time and effort to meal prep, since stopping for fast food is a no-go on this diet, as the Cleveland Clinic and research in the Journal of Internal Medicine point out.
A Detailed Anti-Inflammatory Diet Food List
An anti-inflammatory diet means loading up on foods that research has shown can help lower inflammation, while also reducing your intake of foods that have the opposite effect. One of the best things about the diet is that there are plenty of food options and lots of wiggle room, so you can choose the foods you like best.
If you need a little more structure, consider adopting the Mediterranean diet. There’s a lot of overlap with the anti-inflammatory diet because both emphasize fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, per Harvard Health Publishing.
What to Eat and Drink
- Fresh fruit, including grapefruit, grapes, blueberries, bananas, apples, mangoes, peaches, tomatoes, and pomegranates
- Dried fruit, including plums (prunes)
- Vegetables, especially broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and bok choy
- Plant-based proteins, such as chickpeas, seitan, tofu, and lentils
- Fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, albacore tuna, herring, lake trout, and mackerel
- Whole grains, including oatmeal, brown rice, barley, and whole-wheat bread
- Leafy greens, including kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce
- Ginger
- Nuts, including walnuts and almonds
- Seeds, such as chia seeds and flaxseed
- Foods filled with omega-3 fatty acids, such as avocado and olive oil
- Coffee
- Green tea
- Dark chocolate (in moderation)
- Red wine (in moderation)
What to Limit or Avoid
- Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, pastries, and sweets
- Foods and drinks that are high in sugar, including soda and other sugary beverages
- Red meat
- Dairy
- Processed meat, such as hot dogs and sausages
- Fried foods
A 7-Day Sample Inflammatory Diet Meal Plan
The following sample menu isn't one-size-fits-all, but it does offer some creative ideas for adding anti-inflammatory foods to your meals. If you're managing a certain disease, such as diabetes, you may have dietary needs that this meal plan doesn't address. Be sure to consult your healthcare team before making any major changes to your eating habits.
Day 1
Breakfast Steel-cut oats with slivered almonds and blueberries and a cup of coffee
Lunch Chopped kale salad with chickpeas, beets, and pomegranate seeds tossed with an olive oil and lemon juice vinaigrette
Dinner Anchovy, salmon, and tomato-topped pizza on a cauliflower crust
Snack Small handful of homemade trail mix with unsalted nuts and raisins
Day 2
Breakfast Steel-cut oatmeal topped with walnuts and sliced strawberries; a cup of coffee
Lunch Salmon sashimi with a side of broccoli and a side of brown rice and ginger
Dinner Ginger curry with whitefish, kale, barley, and a glass of red wine
Snack Sliced mango
Day 3
Breakfast Quinoa bowl with sliced banana, blueberries, and a drizzle of almond butter; a cup of green tea
Lunch Arugula salad with albacore tuna, grilled peaches, and walnuts
Dinner Spinach salad with grilled salmon and a side of brown rice
Snack Frozen grapes
Day 4
Breakfast Kale and mushroom frittata, half a grapefruit, and a cup of coffee
Lunch Grain bowl with brown rice, chickpeas, and sautéed bok choy
Dinner Veggie burger on a whole-grain bun with a side of roasted Brussels sprouts
Snack Small handful of unsalted mixed nuts
Day 5
Breakfast Chia seed pudding, apple slices with almond butter, and a cup of green tea
Lunch Spinach salad with tuna and shredded carrots
Dinner Red peppers stuffed with ground turkey, quinoa, chickpeas, and a glass of red wine
Snack Small handful of unsalted almonds
Day 6
Breakfast Soy yogurt with fresh blueberries and a cup of coffee
Lunch Quinoa bowl with sardines, tomatoes, black beans, sautéed spinach, and avocado
Dinner Salmon with lentils and a spinach salad
Snack A square of dark chocolate and a small handful of unsalted mixed nuts
Day 7
Breakfast Peanut butter and banana sandwich and a cup of coffee
Lunch Smashed avocado and halved cherry tomatoes on top of whole-grain toast, and a side of cottage cheese
Dinner Seitan with bell peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli stir-fried in olive oil
Snack Cherries
How to Get Started With an Anti-Inflammatory Diet: 5 Beginner Tips
1. Adjust Your Diet Gradually
There’s nothing more intimidating than completely changing your diet overnight. Set yourself up with success by slowly making these changes until they become second nature, advises Harvard Health Publishing.
2. Embrace the Rainbow
By incorporating colorful foods, which tend to be fruits and veggies, you’ll be adding foods that will fight inflammation.
3. Commit to DASH if You Need More Structure
Some people need more structure to their diet in order to stick with it. If that’s you, that’s okay. Simply choose one of the types of anti-inflammatory diets. The DASH diet, for instance, comes with more parameters and still qualifies as an anti-inflammatory diet.
4. Opt for Whole Instead of Processed Foods
By eating more real foods and fewer that are highly processed, you’ll automatically be filling up on those that can fight inflammation.
5. Add Whole Grains and Healthy Fats to Your Grocery List
“Fats from fish such as salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts, as well as some fortified foods such as eggs, are vital to a healthy diet and have been associated with reducing inflammation,” Scanniello says. Unrefined grains such as brown rice, steel-cut oats, whole-wheat bread, and quinoa are filled with fiber and anti-inflammatory substances helpful in preventing inflammation.”
Resources We Love: Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Favorite Resource for Info About the Anti-Inflammatory Diet
American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
A Google search for “anti-inflammatory diet” is bound to deliver loads of information. But for a quick intro to inflammation and specifically how food plays into it, check out this page from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It includes five steps to making your plate less inflammatory and offers lifestyle tips for fighting chronic inflammation as well.
Favorite Resource for Anti-Inflammatory Diet Meal Planning
This is an app available for free in the Apple app store. It offers personalized eating plans for a number of diets, one being the anti-inflammatory diet. Once you download, create a profile, and select the anti-inflammatory diet as the program for you, the app will give you a broad overview of what to eat, eat less of, and avoid, and then will map out recipes for your daily meals. If you log what you eat, the app will also track your nutrient intake.
Favorite Resource for Getting Started
Arthritis New South Wales has a helpful list of anti-inflammatory foods to try in place of some of your usual go-tos. For instance, do you love chips? Try snacking on kale chips or nuts instead. The page lists swaps for every meal, plus has extra tips to make it easier to stick with this way of eating.
Favorite Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook
It’s one thing to know which foods are anti-inflammatory, and it’s a whole other thing to have an entire cookbook filled with recipes that turn those foods into meals. The Anti-Inflammatory Kitchen (Amazon.com) by the registered dietitian Leslie Langevin is a must-have if you’re committing to this way of eating. In it, you’ll find more than 100 recipes, a 30-day meal plan, a guide to sticking to the diet while eating out, and tips on how to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
Favorite Podcast Episode Featuring the Anti-Inflammatory Diet
This podcast from the registered dietitian Liz Weiss features Carolyn Williams, PhD, RD, the author of Meals that Heal: 100+ Everyday Anti-Inflammatory Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less: A Cookbook. The two knowledgeable registered dietitians chat about what inflammation is, why you want to avoid it, and how you can do so by trying out some of their favorite anti-inflammatory meals.
The anti-inflammatory diet is a healthy approach to eating, whether you suffer from chronic inflammation or not. “An anti-inflammatory diet is a way of life and will in the end better your health, well-being, and overall quality of life,” Scanniello says. “I believe everyone can benefit from a diet plan such as this, and I especially have found it helpful in populations with chronic inflammation and health conditions.”
Once you start eating this way, you’ll probably start to feel better overall. “People may feel better, with less bloating, gastrointestinal discomfort, and achiness,” Scanniello says. You may also see your mood improve as you change your eating habits, according to Harvard.
But don’t expect to notice immediate changes with regard to a health condition — it’ll likely take two or three weeks for you to notice that kind of effect, and possibly up to 12 weeks to know whether the results will stick, according to the American Osteopathic Association’s website The DO.
Additional reporting by Laura McArdle.
Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking
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