Our Editorial Team
Alexa Meara, MD
Medical ReviewerAlexa Meara, MD, is a 2008 graduate of the Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, DC. In 2011 she completed her internal medicine training at East Carolina University (ECU) at Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, North Carolina, then spent two more years at ECU, first as chief resident in internal medicine, then as the associate training program director for internal medicine. She pursued further training in rheumatology at the Ohio State University in Columbus, completing a four-year clinical and research fellowship there in 2015.
Dr. Meara is currently an assistant...
Awards and Accreditation
Research:Lynæs, C., Lynæs, M., Simon, L. S., Tugwell, P., D'Agostino, M. A., Strand, V., ... & Christensen, R. (2022, July). Physicians’ vs patients’ global assessments of disease activity in rheumatology and musculoskeletal trials: A meta-research project with focus on reasons for discrepancies. In Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism (p. 152074). WB Saunders.
Almaani, S., Meara, A., & Rovin, B. H. (2017). Update on lupus nephritis. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 12(5), 825-835.
Aydin, S. Z., Direskeneli, H., Sreih, A., Alibaz-Oner, F., Gul, A., Kamali, S., ... & Merkel, P. A. (2015). Update on outcome measure development for large vessel vasculitis: report from OMERACT 12. The Journal of rheumatology, 42(12), 2465-2469.
Peters, Ellen & Tompkins, Mary Kate & Knoll, Melissa & Ardoin, Stacy & Shoots‐Reinhard, Brittany & Meara, Alexa. (2019). Despite high objective numeracy, lower numeric confidence relates to worse financial and medical outcomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116. 201903126. 10.1073/pnas.1903126116.
Alexa Simon Meara, MD, Lee S. Simon, MD, Advice from Professional Societies: Appropriate Use of NSAIDs, Pain Medicine, Volume 14, Issue suppl_1, December 2013, Pages S3–S10.