Tips, advice, and strategies from and for people in the atopic dermatitis/eczema community.
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Stress really aggravates my AD. When I exercise, meditate, get plenty of sleep, journal, and do anything that helps me relax, my skin absolutely improves.

Helen Evangelista
@eczemafriend Eczema Age: 22 Female More than 5 years
Steroid creams are an SOS solution and they are harmful when used in the long run because the skin develops an addiction to them and the withdrawal symptoms are horr ... read more

Julia Blanka
Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach, Skin & Soul Health Eczema Age: 27 Female More than 5 years
What support groups help you cope with AD?
My fiancé and I have done therapy together and it’s helped us with a lot of things, including how we communicate about my eczema and the role it plays in my life and ... read more

Ashley Ann Lora
Eczema Advocate and Consultant @ashleyannlora Eczema Age: 30 Female More than 5 years
I made the mistake of skipping doses or being two days late on my injections. I didn’t realize how big an effect it would have. So write down on your phone calendar ... read more

Helen Evangelista
@eczemafriend Eczema Age: 22 Female More than 5 years
Choose fragrance-free mineral sunscreens over chemical sunscreens. Mineral formulas have fewer preservatives and almost no one is allergic to their key ingredient, z ... read more

Joseph Fowler, MD, FAAD
Clinical Professor of Dermatology, University of Louisville Eczema
Throughout my years with AD, the best thing I found to cover up my flares was Dermablend, which is generally used for covering up scars. I even used it to cover ecze ... read more

Joanne Litz
Co-Owner, Steelpony.com, Women's Clothing Eczema Age: 63 Female More than 5 years
Find a doctor who is willing to listen to you and acknowledge what you're going through, not one who has a "my way or the highway" approach.

Abby Tai
Founder, Eczema Conquerors Coaching Eczema Age: 35 Female More than 5 years
What’s your go-to remedy for itchy skin?
My son’s eczema flares up around his knees in the spring because of his allergy to birch pollen. Since spring is outdoor soccer season, I have him wear eczema sleeve ... read more

Jennifer Roberge
Founder, The Eczema Company, YoRo Naturals Eczema Age: 40 Female More than 5 years
Keep a journal that documents everything, including when you or your child flares, what makes you or them flare, and photos to show what those flares look like. Brin ... read more

Rukayat Moibi
Founder, Rukai Skincare @rukaiskincare Eczema Age: 33 Female More than 5 years
Don’t take long showers and don’t use hot water. Apply fragrance-free cream, oil, or ointment within three minutes of getting out of the shower so that the moisture ... read more

Yasmin Bhasin, MD
Board Certified in Allergy and Immunology, Valley Hospital Eczema
When my son’s doctor prescribed a stronger steroid cream, he advised me to take two-week breaks to let Tristan’s skin rest. But when I stopped applying the hydrocort ... read more

Jennifer Roberge
Founder, The Eczema Company, YoRo Naturals Eczema Age: 40 Female More than 5 years
My husband had to learn that sometimes there was nothing he could do to help me. He stopped taking it personally when I just needed to be alone and have a little spa ... read more

Joanne Litz
Co-Owner, Steelpony.com, Women's Clothing Eczema Age: 63 Female More than 5 years
I minimize how much I dry-clean my clothes since chemicals used in dry cleaning can trigger an eczema flare-up.

Dana Sellers
Blogger, beautyincolor.blog Eczema Age: 39 Female More than 5 years
When you start to itch, move your body! Any type of movement will distract your mind and therefore distract your hands from tearing up your skin. My go-to movements ... read more

Ashley Ann Lora
Eczema Advocate and Consultant @ashleyannlora Eczema Age: 30 Female More than 5 years
If I have a flare and have to wear makeup, I wash my face, do my usual skincare routine, then apply a thick layer of Aquaphor to the trouble spots and let it stay th ... read more

Esther Hong
Actor/Model @estherhongeee Eczema Age: 25 Female More than 5 years
Be open and honest about your living environment with your doctors. When I was a child, my mom was too embarrassed to tell our pediatrician that our house was very c ... read more

Eczema Coach, @fuxkeczema Eczema Age: 30 Female More than 5 years
Fast Fact
Atopic dermatitis and eczema are often used interchangeably, but AD is actually the most common type of eczema (a term that refers to a group of skin conditions).
<p>Atopic dermatitis and eczema are often used interchangeably, but AD is actually the most common type of eczema (a term that refers to a group of skin conditions).</p>Tallow soap worked wonders with my son’s hand eczema. Dry wrapping his hands overnight with eczema mittens or gloves and a good natural eczema cream (we love product ... read more

Jennifer Roberge
Founder, The Eczema Company, YoRo Naturals Eczema Age: 40 Female More than 5 years
It’s so valuable to find a support community like those we’ve launched at Global Parents for Eczema Research. You’ll connect with others who can empathize. You’ll ge ... read more

Keri Kelley
Community Manager, Global Parents for Eczema Research Eczema Age: 41 Female More than 5 years
If you decide to try wet wrapping your child, consider using a Wrap-E-Soothe bodysuit instead of wrapping individual extremities with gauze. These bodysuits cover yo ... read more

Jamie Kim
Dermatology Physician Assistant, myitchychild.com Eczema Female