A growing community of people dealing with COVID-19, and the medical professionals on the front lines, sharing advice to help inspire and enable self-care during the pandemic.
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Make your favorite soups. Even the basics taste good.
Searching out recipes can be fun for the whole family.
Use your slow cooker. It is soothing to join the "s ... read more
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19
Turn the TV and radio away from constant talk about politics and COVID. Life is so much more than those two doom and gloom topics. Plant something, build something, ... read more
Healthcare provider for Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 65 Female
What are your must-have resources for homeschooling?
Singing and being thankful for good things when I fill overwhelmed
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 63 Female
Make a list organized by aisle and wear a mask.
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 72 Female
Remember to breathe. Turn off the TV. Stop the constant influx of information, and let your mind relax. Pray or meditate.
Carey Ann
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 43 Female
Stay connected.
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 51 Female
When the weather is nice, hang out on your back porch, or patio, close your eyes and get some fresh air! I like listening to binaural beats while sitting out under t ... read more
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 35 Female
How to Cope With a COVID-19 Cough
How to Cope With a COVID-19 Cough
Up Next
COVID-19 Vaccination for People With Rheumatic Disease
Were Communities of Color Represented in the COVID-19 Vaccine Trials?
If I'm out in public when access to soap and water is limited, it's concerning, so I carry two zip lock bags with wet cloths in them. One is soapy and another one ha ... read more
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Female
Boardgame boxes piled on top of each other make for a great DIY standing desk. Standing for a portion of the workweek helps reduce mental and physical fatigue!
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 30 Female
As people are going through stress, they need to take Vitamin B which stays in the body for a long time. As vitamin B helps in reducing stress and calming down. Watc ... read more
Healthcare provider for Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 51 Female
We've made the juggling act of working from home and homeschooling our two young children a little bit easier by scheduling a daily virtual session with their grandp ... read more
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Female
When I have a migraine I find fresh, cool air comforting.
Sonya Ridden
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 42 Female
Emotional health is top priority right now. Yoga, meditation, exercise and eating a well-balanced diet all play a huge role in how you feel emotionally. If I'm feeli ... read more
Nicole S.
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 23 Female
Have a walking meeting! If you are working from home and need to have a discussion where you don't need to be viewing a screen, put on your sneakers and walk and ta ... read more
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 44 Female
Prior to COVID-19, I worked out daily at a gym with classes and a personal trainer. Now that's not happening:-). Working out at home, I work out twice a day in short ... read more
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 50 Male
Chocolate Chip Pancakes give you super-hero status with the rug rats. I am using my non-commuting time to make my two school-age daughters a sit-down breakfast befor ... read more
Abby B
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 43 Female
Mornings. It has also been so cold, that getting out of bed while still working remotely is a struggle.
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 53 Female
I try to treasure every moment
Living with Coronavirus / COVID-19 Age: 57 Female
How to Start a Self-Care Routine You'll Follow
How to Start a Self-Care Routine You'll Follow
Up Next
7 Ways Meditation Can Help You Stick To Healthy Habits During The Coronavirus
6 Alcohol-Free Ways to Unwind at the End of a Long Day
Read, sketch/paint, garden, journal, make things, work out, learn coding, learn another language, music, whatever you enjoy doing.